Page 23 of Gentle Love

“You’re huge,” I interrupted.

‘“No… I’m…”

“Fucking huge,” I blurted out, cutting him off once more.

“I’ll make sure you’re nice and wet. It will feel so good to your needy little cunt.”

“It won’t fit. That’s like four times bigger than where it’s being inserted.”

“I promise it will fit, baby. It might be a little stretch, but I’ll make sure you feel good. You look terrified, though. Why don’t we go have some dinner and come back to this topic later?”

“Ha, you said ‘come’.”

He rolled his eyes and stood with me in his arms. “That was a terrible pun.”

“No,” I argued. “A terrible pun is ‘If your boyfriend hates fruit puns, you should let that mango’.”

“Okay,” he agreed.“That was a terrible pun.”

Onyx carried me down the stairs and into the kitchen. I was surprised to see a beautiful, wooden highchair sitting at the table.

“Elliot helped me put this together for you,” he offered when he caught me staring at it. “I thought you might like to sit in it tonight.”

“Yes, please,” I whispered in awe. I had been a Little girl long enough to try lots of things, but a highchair wasn’t something I had experienced yet.

He held me on one hip while he removed the tray. I tucked my legs into the holes as he guided me through.. Sliding the tray back in place, he effectively locked me in. I rubbed the smooth wood with my fingertips. “It’s so beautiful.”

“A pretty chair for a pretty princess,” he said, with a wink, picking up a box of Fruit Loops and pouring some on the tray. I loved when he called me princess. He was making me feel like royalty. “Do you want to snack on these while Daddy fixes some dinner?”

I loved the sound and promise of him calling himself Daddy. It warmed my body from the inside out.

“Yes please, Daddy.”

He shared a fond look with me. “I love to hear that title coming from your sweet little mouth.”

I flushed and looked down. His chuckle filled the quiet room as he went to work on starting dinner.


“Eat your peas, princess.”

“No, thank you.” I hated peas.

“I love your sweet manners, Emily, but you need to eat your veggies.”

I studied him for a second. He looked very serious.


“Red?” he questioned.

“Red,” I confirmed.

“You can’t use your safeword to get out of eating your vegetables, Little one.”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should check the Daddy Rule Book just in case you’re wrong.”

His eyes twinkling, he pulled out a cookbook and pretended to read it. “It says in chapter three, paragraph two, on the fourth line: A Little one cannot use their safeword to get out of eating foods that help them grow big and strong.”