Page 19 of Gentle Love

I assumed from the noises, she was being removed from the room. I heard the smacks Uncle Pike gave her as pulled her down the hallway.

Big hands rubbed my belly. I instantly calmed as Onyx’s signature scent filled my nostrils. He smelled woodsy. I was growing to love it. “I’m going to call Elliot after I give you some more medicine, Little one. Does it hurt worse today?”

“Yes.” I kept my eyes closed.

“Okay, princess. You just hang tight for me.” He left the room, I assumed to go get more of those damn suppositories. He was back quickly. He changed my diaper, inserted the meds, and washed his hands super fast. I could tell he was worried. I heard him on the phone in the hallway before he placed a cool cloth over my eyes. “Just try and rest, baby. Elliot is on his way to come check on you.”

“Onyx?” I whispered. It hurt to move my mouth.


“What did Dallas want to tell me?”

“It can wait. I want you to focus on feeling better instead.”

I dozed off and on for about an hour until Elliot arrived.

“Hey, love,” he cooed as he sat on the bed.

“Hi, Elliot,” I responded, trying to force a smile.

He removed the cloth and asked me to open my eyes. I winced as the light of the room hit them.

“I’m sorry, love, I’m going to give you something to help with the pain in just a minute. I just need to look you over first.”

He pressed around my face a bit. It didn’t hurt as bad as last night. When he was done with that, he made a short humming noise and helped me sit up, then shined a small light in my eyes.

I cried out in pain. I was feeling worse since he’d had me sit. Nausea bubbled in my gut. “I’m gonna be sick,” I mumbled as I tried to get out of the bed. Panic added to the nausea. I wasn’t gonna make it. Onyx shoved a trash can under my chin just as I vomited. The movement jarred my head making the pain so much worse.

Once I was finished, Elliot wiped my face and Onyx helped me rest back on the pillows.

“I’m sorry you’re feeling so badly, Emily,” Elliot said “The good news is I am pretty sure it’s not from being hit last night. I think that you’ve got a migraine. Have you ever had one before?”


“You’ve got all the symptoms and since they can be caused by stress, I’m confident that’s the diagnosis. I’m gonna start an IV for fluids and give you some meds for the pain and nausea. You’re going to take a long nap and you’ll feel better when you wake up,” he promised.

He started getting everything set up as I laid still.

I hated being nauseous.

“Are you sure it’s not a concussion?” Onyx murmured as he helped Elliot. I appreciated them talking softly.

“Pretty sure. I’m going to hang out for a while to monitor her just in case, but the treatment for a concussion would be the same as what I am going to do today.”

“Okay, I’m just so worried. She feels so yucky.”

Elliot chuckled. “I promise I’m taking the best care of your Little one, papa bear.”

“Emily, it’s going to be a big pinch, darlin’. You’ll feel so much better once the medicine kicks in,” he promised as he stuck me.

“Ouchie,” I cried.

“I’m so sorry, princess,” Onyx soothed.

‘I’m just going to flush the line, Little love. Your mouth is going to taste funny for a second.” He was right. My mouth did taste weird.

“Okay, here comes the medicine.”