Page 13 of Gentle Love

She did as I asked and I kissed her forehead.

“Such a good girl.” I lifted her bottom up and slid the diaper under her, while I applied the Aquaphor to her pink skin. She tensed when I rubbed the cream on her pussy.

“Are you okay, princess?”

She nodded, her gaze locked on mine.

“Not too scared?”

She shook her head.

“Good, I don’t want you to be scared of anything ever again.”

I secured the diaper, unbuckled her, and lifted her back up to sit on my hip. She tried to rest her head on my shoulder, but must have pressed against a sensitive spot on her face

Her whimper pulled at my heart. “Poor baby,” I cooed. “Eliiot will be here soon to check on you.” I grabbed a nightgown from the dresser and carried her downstairs.

“Why have nursery?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

“Well, I have been a Daddy without a Little one for a long time, but I’ve collected things over the years so I’d be ready when I found my baby girl one day.”

“Before?” she questioned, her tone quizzical.

“Have I been a Daddy before?”

She nodded.

I sat her on the couch and dressed her in a hot-pink nightgown.

“I haven’t been a Daddy. I’ve been Uncle Onyx for several Littles.”


“Yes, Dallas is one of my nieces.”


I nodded. She knew this, though. I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.

“Not Dollie.”

Dollie was a bully who had been kicked out of the local clubs. “No, not Dollie.”

“Not Paisley.” she said, naming another Little that had just joined the friend group. Paisley had preformed at Pike and Dallas' wedding and was instantly welcomed into our little family.


“Not Harper.”


“Not Storm?”


What was on her Little mind?

“Not Emily?”