Page 87 of Sinful Devotion

“Let me do my job. Please.” He closes the door softly.

Through it, I hear Galina vomit again. The doctor is mumbling something to her that I can’t discern, but it’s in a pleasant tone.

Unsure what to do with myself, I begin marching back and forth in front of the bathroom. What could be wrong with her? Is it an illness? Something someone did? I stiffen, my hands making tight fists. What if someone poisoned her?

Moments later, the door opens. The doctor guides Galina toward her bed. She’s still pale, her forehead shiny, like she’s been out for a hard run.

“I’m going to fucking fire Danil,” I snarl.

“No!” Galina holds up a hand, waving it anxiously. The doctor gently coaxes her to lie back. “Arsen, don’t. If he did anything, it was an accident.”

“Instead of punishing people, Mr. Isakov,” Dr. Helsan chuckles, “you should be celebrating.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask angrily.

Clapping me on both shoulders, he beams as wide as humanly possible. “You’re going to be a father.”

The room begins to sway around me. I grip the bedpost to balance myself. Galina’s face swims into view; she’s gaping, and her expression mirrors mine. “A father?” I repeat softly.

“Arsen,” she breathes. Light enters her wide eyes. She’s glowing from the inside out. I feel it coming off her … Or maybe it’s coming from inside me.

The doctor politely clears his throat. “I’ll leave you two then. My bill will be in the mail. Goodbye.”

I don’t bother to watch him leave. I can’t quit staring at Galina.

A baby.

Our baby.

I go toward her, and she meets me halfway. We embrace one another and she clings to me. “Is this really happening?”

“I suppose it is,” I say.

She smiles big enough to make the corners of her eyes crinkle. “You should see the grin on your face.”

“I’m grinning?” Touching my mouth, I realize she’s right. The happiness is overwhelming. To think, Galina and I created a child! My instinct takes over—there’s only one direction to aim all the joy in my body. But when I kiss Galina, she doesn’t respond in kind. Her lips are hesitant. “Galina?” I ask gently.

The delight that was in her eyes has turned to something else. “It’s nothing.”

“No, talk to me.” I take her hands in mine, rubbing my thumbs over her wrists.

“It’s just … I can’t stop thinking about before.” Her palm makes a circle over her belly, moving like a clock’s hands. “What if it happens again? What if?—”

“No, Galina.” My tone is sharp, and it gets her attention. “Nothing is going to happen to this baby. But if it does, it won’t be your fault. Just like it wasn’t your fault before.” The severity in my eyes could cut glass. “I promise.”

Kissing her, I clutch her cheeks, making sure she can’t escape.

Galina grabs me back—escaping is clearly the furthest thing from her mind.

Her nails make paths through my hair. Each stroke lifts the hairs on the back of my neck. She summons a new wave of desire with every movement, as if she’s casting a spell. Galina, my ptichka. It’s not a crazy thought. I’m trapped in whatever magic she’s cast on me. Lowering my mouth, I kiss her bare shoulder, not leaving until I’ve touched every inch of skin, and after that, I take my time with her opposite side.

I’ve memorized this woman from top to bottom. In such a short time frame, I feel like I’ve learned her body better than my own. And in spite of that, I explore her like she’s a new world I’ve never set foot on. I could spend hours playing with her … listening to how she whimpers in my ear.

Cupping her breasts through her green dress, I massage the tender flesh. Her firm nipples dig into my palms. Gripping them, I twist lightly, summoning a throaty moan from her plump lips. My obsession with her reactions knows no bounds. I’m addicted to making her aware of me. I need to have an impact on every moment of her life.

Just like she does with mine.

Slipping my hand between us, I slide her tights down her thighs. She moans in my ear. I cling to that sound like it’s a buoy in the rocky ocean. Galina has been taking me apart bit by bit, day by day. This newest revelation that she’s pregnant is detaching me from the world.