Page 103 of Sinful Devotion

“That’s putting it mildly,” she mutters.

“Perhaps we should look at things from a new angle.” I pause for emphasis. “One that would benefit us both.”

Galina faces me with her arms wrapped around herself in a knot. “Go on.”

Here it is. Tell her plainly. “I want us to make our marriage real.”

“Is that all you have to say?” Her eyes fly open before narrowing under her thick lashes. “You’re not even pretending to hide the fact that you think I’m an asset you can use for your own twisted purposes.”

“That isn’t what I’m doing.”

“So this has nothing to do with the fact that I’m Yevgeniy’s daughter?”

I keep my face expressionless. Of course, that’s her assumption. I can’t blame her. “I came to this decision before the news.”

That gets a sarcastic laugh out of her. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”

There’s an opportunity to lie, but from the daggers in her eyes, I know it will make things worse.

“I do,” I admit.

“But the fact that I’m Yevgeniy’s daughter also plays a part, doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” I reply. “It does.”

Shaking her head in disappointment, she walks toward the opposite window. “Do you know how awful this is for me? Not just the reality that Yevgeniy is my goddamn father, but the way you want to use me?”

Indignation sends defensive anger flaring through me. “I’m not using you.”

“Aren’t you?” She glares hotly at me, then away. “Again and again. I’m forced to do whatever you want me to. But you—you’re allowed to deny me at every single turn. It’s not just unfair. It’s cruel.”

My attention tracks to the window she was gazing out of. Clenching my jaw, I walk intentionally toward the front door. “Come with me,” I say.


Ripping the door open, I flood the room with sunlight. Galina shields her face with her arm. “You’ve been begging to go outside since the beginning. Now’s your chance.”

Her arm lowers hesitantly. “You’re serious?”

“Yes. And when we’re done, you’ll give me the respect of hearing me out.”

Galina cranes her neck to look around me at the outside world. The last time she went through these doors was when she attended our wedding. I hope this will remind her of that. If it stirs her heart, she’ll be more open to my plan to make our marriage real.

On steady legs, she walks through the door. My heart gives a hopeful beat as I follow her at a distance. Kostya, guarding the front door, stands straight up in surprise. He’s about to chase after Galina when he notices me. I give him a subtle shake of my head and he stands down at once, moving back against the wall. His eyes stare after Galina uneasily, but I know he won’t interfere.

There was urgency in her steps when we left the house. But now Galina slows down, her head turning as she takes everything in. She’s seen glimpses of my property on our way to and from my car, as well as whatever angle the windows provide. That’s not the same as walking across the lush grass that leads through the rose garden. I’ve seen enough of her inquisitive frowns and widening eyes to know she likes what she sees. I even catch her smiling to herself a few times. If the crisp weather combined with the views and clean air can’t cheer her up, nothing will.

She remains silent the entire walk. Her attention is focused on what’s immediately in front of her: flowers, fountains, marble statues I’ve commissioned over the years. This part of my mansion is peaceful, but it can never hide the turmoil that dwells behind its walls.

Galina stops short, pointing into the distance. “What’s that?”

“My private sanctuary,” I say, seeing what she’s looking at.

“I want to go there.”

I wave my hand forward as if to say she should go ahead. Galina doesn’t wait for my hand to come down before she’s already walking briskly to the building. I’m done observing her reactions from afar.

Surging with confidence that I’ve done the right thing, I enter the building behind her. Closing the door, I wait a second before speaking. Galina is turning in a circle, marveling at the small yet intimate space.