Page 70 of Sinful Obsession

Of course. It’s because of who I am ... because of what I am.

A lie between ordinary people can be waved away. A thing of simplicity solved with an apology or a cheap gift. But here in this underworld I’ve spent my entire life in, lies are dangerous.

To deceive someone here among the corrupt and cruel is to declare war.

If one of my men lied to me, I’d assume their plan was a betrayal.

By hiding Ruslan, Galina triggered my survival instinct. I know how quickly a silver tongue becomes a sharp blade. Being stabbed in the back is old news to a man like me. But never once have I looked at Galina and seen her through that lens. She’s hurt me, yes, but it was always to protect herself or our baby.

But now …

This single lie of hers—even if she lied by omission—wasn’t meant to protect anyone but my enemies.

I arrive at her door, yet I don’t open it. I don’t try to knock. Lingering on the threshold, I war with the awakened part of my brain that’s telling me the woman I love on the other side of this door might actually be capable of betraying me.

And with it comes a much more terrifying question.

One that I don’t want to answer:

What will I do if she does?



When I was a kid, brushing my hair always brought me comfort. Doing it before bed was a ritual that started before I knew what the word even meant. I’d sit on my mattress, my knees tucked beneath, music piping gently in the background, and throw my hair over my shoulder. Mom used to do it for me. She was patient—which was rare—as she ran the boar-bristled brush over my thick locks until they glowed like honey in the sun.

I wish she was here to do it for me now.

Mom, I hope you’re okay.

Stroking the brush down to the tips of my hair, I try to let it relax me, but it’s not working. It was a long shot, all things considered. Too much terrible stuff has happened in such a short time. If I could just brush it away, it would be a miracle. People like me never get those.

A soft tap comes at my door, and a moment later, I hear Arsen’s voice on the other side.


Sitting up, I drop my feet to the floor. What could he want at this hour? I have an idea, but I don’t know if I’m ready for a deep conversation right now. There have been so many of those lately, and every one of them has left me drained.

“Come in.”

The door opens, and I catch the way his eyes settle on me, widening a fraction as he takes in my bare legs under my nightgown and my thick hair coiling over my naked shoulder. He hides his reaction behind a quick blink.

“I was looking for you,” he says.

“Well, I’m easy to find. Not like I have a lot of places to go these days.” I gesture around my bedroom with a bitter smile.

Arsen’s nose crinkles up like I’ve thrown dirty water in his face. But if you ask me, that verbal jab was well deserved.

“I wanted to apologize.”

I sit up at that. Well, that was unexpected. I was ready for another tongue-thrashing about how I lied to him and put the Bratva in danger. But certainly not this.

His contrition is refreshing, but I’m not ready to let my guard down.

Not yet.

“You had every right to keep Ruslan a secret from me.” He moves further into the room as he talks. “I shouldn’t blame you for it. And it was wrong of me to snap at you. I’m sorry, Galina.”