Page 128 of Sinful Obsession

"The way you reacted when we first met Luke. He said our last names and it set you on edge."

"Oh, that?" I laugh too loudly. "I said I was tired."

"You looked scared, Galina."

Hesitating, I lower my eyes to avoid his. Kicking off my sandals, I drag my toes in the sand, creating swirling shapes without purpose.

Arsen slips his foot forward, caressing his ankle on mine until I stop making the shapes. "Talk to me."

"I don't want to make you worry."

"The last thing I want is for you to hide something because you think it's for my sake."

Lifting my shoulders up, I exhale until they slump lower than before. "I was scared earlier. He knew our names, and it freaked me out. What if he was here to hurt us? Yevgeniy is dead, but I've been struggling with these little bursts of anxiety for a while. I hoped they'd go away by now, but..." I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "I want to shrug off the terrible things we went through, but it turns out I'm not strong enough for that."

"You've got it all wrong." Arsen pulls me against him, stroking my hair as he speaks in a low baritone. "You don't have to be strong. What happened to us, we went through it together. Shouldn't we deal with the aftermath together as well?"


"Lean on me. Rely on me. Use me and allow me to support you through your fears, Galina."

"You mean that?" I hush.

He smiles indulgently, his thumb outlining my bottom lip. "What else could being in love possibly be about?"

I wake up to the sun in my eyes. Grimacing, I throw up my arm to shield myself. What time is it? I didn't bother to charge my phone. I've been trying to be 'present' on this trip, leaving my mother instructions to call the resort if something is wrong instead of me directly.

Sitting up on the bed I stretch until my joints crack in a satisfying way. Then I freeze, noticing Arsen isn't beside me.

"Arsen?" I call uncertainly. Sliding my legs over the edge of the bed I walk in my bra and underwear—I was too tired to change into anything else when we got back—and explore the bungalow. Finding no sign of my husband, I step out through the French doors to our private beach.

Arsen is standing ankle deep in the ocean. He's wearing his forest green swim trunks and nothing else. With him facing away, I'm able to see his glorious tattoos. It's my first time seeing them in the sunlight, they've always been something shared behind closed doors. The things struck me as a grim secret. But here, with the sunlight, they look like works of art hanging in a gallery.

They're beautiful. Just like him.

Blessed with an opportunity to simply look at him without him looking back, I take a moment to enjoy myself. His wide shoulders with their indents of chiseled muscle create a taper for his trim waist. He's a healthy olive tone, polished like a gem and sharp like one as well. It would be easy to worship this man.

He's not a saint... he's my soulmate. I'll never bow to him, but I'll always love him.

His head turns, his jugular flexing. He's spotted me. "You're awake."

"I didn't mean to sleep in," I say, stepping down on the warm sand to approach him.

Arsen waits for me where he is. The ocean laps at my toes, and it delights me how pleasant it feels. "You were tired. It's fine, we're here to enjoy ourselves, and that includes sleeping in."

"I guess I haven't done that much since Steven was born," I chuckle.

He loops his fingers in mine, pulling me deeper in the gentle waves. "Are you missing him?"

"Of course," I say quickly.

Arsen nods knowingly. "I am, too." Bending down he kisses me; not a brief kiss, but one with full lips and tension pacing in the shadows. He doesn't expand on his admission; he doesn't need to. He feels the way I do, and I appreciate knowing I'm not alone.

I crane my neck to kiss him back, before wincing as the sun peeks over his ear and blinds me. "It’s bright already."

He frowns in thought. Suddenly he's smirking, pulling me towards the shore. "You reminded me of something I've been dying to do." He's taking me over to the lounge chairs. The sight of them sends my pulse rocketing upward, my body heating up like a fever is coming on. I can't think of anything other than what we did here yesterday.

"Lie down," he tells me. "I'll be right back."