Page 123 of Sinful Obsession

He laughs in my ear, his breath stirring my hair and my warm core. "The boat would have taken much longer?"

Comforted by his touch, I risk a quick glance out the window. In the distance I spot a flash of opal. The island's pristine white sand might almost be mistaken for mid-winter snow.

"Is that it?" I ask.

Arsen nods, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Close your eyes, it will be better not to watch us come in for the landing."

Taking his advice I squeeze my eyes shut, pressing into his body to envelope myself in his inherent aura of safety. It helps, but when the plane dips low, sending my stomach somersaulting, I squeal.

"We're almost there," he assures me. His leg grinds against the outside of mine, his chin on my hair. "You're safe, I promise."

I promise.

Tension melts from the back of my neck. If there's anything I trust, it's that Arsen will never break a promise. Through half-cracked lids I peer at the water rising towards us. We hit the ocean, bouncing up, then down, the motion constant and never ending. I'm not afraid, but I know I'm tinged green.

"For the record," I say as the engine grows quiet, the propellers no longer spinning, "I also hate roller coasters."

Arsen laughs with his whole chest. Helping me to my feet, he leads me out of the plane. A floating dock sways on the waves made by the plane's landing. The captain has descended, yelling at a few young men who hurry across to unload our luggage from the bottom section. He offers me a wide grin, waving at the island.

"Welcome to Reethi Rah, I hope you enjoy your stay."

"We will," Arsen says with blunt confidence. He grips me around my middle, lingering on my hip and sending butterflies through my veins.

The floating slats rock under me, threatening to topple me into the water. Arsen holds me tight so there's no chance of that. I press my fingers lightly on his on my hip, driving his touch in harder. He shoots a look at me—hot and hungry.

Grinning slyly, I walk fast onto the proper, solid wood of the docks. All around us are long paths, their stilt legs jutting into the ocean under our feet. Further out are the dark gray shapes of thatched roof villas. The breeze is warm, it teases my hair, drying the nervous sweat from the flight on the back of my neck.

"This place is beautiful."

"Wait until you see our room."

"I can’t wait," I say with glee. I shake out my long skirt that's sticking to my legs. "I need to change into something more comfortable."

"We'll show you to your room, Mr. and Mrs. Isakov," a man with wild, curly black hair and eyes as blue as the water says. He stands before us with my purple roller-bag by his feet. The other men with him are younger, possibly teenagers, their lanky bodies tan in the sun. The billowing white shirts they wear are open in front, their pants cut off at the calf.

I tense up suspiciously before recoiling backwards. "How did you know our names?"

The man blinks owlishly. "The captain told us. Plus, it's all over your luggage." He points at the tags.

Everyone is staring at me. I shouldn't be so anxious. I have to get a grip.

"Sorry, I'm just tired from the long flight."

"Understandable," he says, waving a hand to dismiss my apology. "I'm Luke, by the way. You'll be seeing a lot of me, I’ll be your personal concierge during your stay. If there’s anything you need, feel free to let me know.” He starts off over the docks.

I begin to follow, but Arsen scoops up my wrist, slowing me down. "Are you alright?" he asks with a worried frown.

"Of course," I say firmly. I make sure my smile is big and bright. It has to be... I don't want to worry him on our honeymoon. "Let's hurry before they leave us behind."

Arsen nods in agreement, and the pair of us tagging behind the group. They handle our bags with ease, not even out of breath by the time we cross half the docks. On the other side, separated from the main resort, extending out onto the water like an island all its own, is a large bungalow. I spot a white square floating beside the entrance.

"Is that a hot tub?" I ask in wonder.

"Yes!" Luke laughs. "Your bungalow comes with a private hot tub boat!"

"We'll have to make use of that," I say under my breath.

Arsen glances down at me, and I shrug with a sheepish blush. He studies the hot tub with a half smirk, clearly imagining what we can do with it, too.