Page 44 of Sinful Obsession

“She was sent to kill me. Don’t think she wouldn’t have murdered you too if you’d gotten in her way.”

“She’s a child! A child who’s been abused and frightened into submission! You can’t blame her for how she is!”

“Of course I can!” I roar. “You’re asking me to forgive someone who tried to end my life!”

“You don’t have to forgive her, but you can try to understand!”

My chest rises and falls, each breath tasting like glowing embers. “You’d have me pat her on the head and send her on the way with a fucking bouquet of flowers.” I drop Madison to the floor—she lands on her knees with a yelp.

Galina bends down to assist her. “Madison, are you okay?” she asks gently.

I watch with disgust growing like a tumor. “One day, your softheartedness will be the death of me.”

She flinches—there’s pure hurt in her wide eyes. As she cradles Madison like a baby, I’m assaulted by the odd image of the future. Galina … hugging our own child as protectively. Will she do that because I’m towering over them like I am now? Will she cradle our child from its monster of a father?

It cools some of my rage.

Jerking around sharply, I speak to the wall. “Thank Galina, Madison. She’s the reason you’re still alive.”

Madison whimpers. “What will happen to me now?”

Yes, what will happen? To be only fifteen and go through so much so quickly … I don’t like admitting it, but Galina has a point. How can I blame this girl for what she was forced to do? The real culprit has been in my sights for years.

Yevgeniy … the bastard ruins every life he comes in contact with. Thinking of Galina’s determination to protect the girl, I let some of the tension slip from my body. My voice comes out smoother, less cut up by grit. “I’ll find a way to reunite you with your parents.”

Madison inhales loudly before covering her mouth. The air that’s expelled sounds like a muffled cry of joy. Tears dribble endlessly down her splotchy cheeks. Undeniably, she didn’t expect to live through the night. Once I stopped her attempt to assassinate me, she gave up all hope. Now it’s bloomed again. She looks away from me, as if she fears one wrong move will change my mind.

Galina rubs the girl’s back, rocking her, whispering in her ear. The pair of them talk in a hush. I don’t linger. I’m possessed by a need to get away from the scene. I came close to killing that girl. I really did.

Only Galina stayed my hand. Maybe I should thank her for preserving what’s left of my blackened soul.

In the hallway, I call Mila. “You need to come here now.”

“What? Why?” she asks in an urgent voice.

My eyes track to my office door. “That girl turned out to be more of a problem than anticipated.”

“What happened?”

“I’ll explain later. Just get here. I want you to take her somewhere else until you can find where her parents are.”

Mila is quiet for a moment. “Is it safe to bring her to them? Yevgeniy will want her back. He never lets his property go without a price.”

Mila knows that all too well.

“Then I’ll leave it to you to find a way to make sure they’re all safe from him. By any means necessary.”

“You always give me the hardest jobs.”

“Can you get it done?”

“Oh yes,” she chuckles darkly. “With pleasure.”

Galina stands in my bedroom, right in front of my window. The thin, silken bronze robe clings to her every curve. The light from outside forms a halo behind her long, loose hair. With her rounded belly and the soft glow of the light, she resembles a saint from one of the oil paintings in my hallway.

The sky outside is painted a brilliant scarlet. An hour has passed since Madison attacked me and Mila arrived to slip her off my property. I don’t know where they’ve gone, and it’s better if I don’t know.

I don’t want to think about that girl. She reminded me of how easy it is to let the beast out.