Page 35 of Deadly Rescue

Quickly, Scotch speaks up. “I know of a place you can go.”

Eyeing him suspiciously, I say, “No. I’m not coming to your place.”

“While I’d enjoy the hell out of it, I wasn’t suggesting it. I know of an apartment, owned by a friend that no one else will know about.”

“You think I could spend a couple weeks there?”

“I’m sure it would be fine. It’s a rich friend that is out of the country. He never uses the place. I’ll make some calls when we get closer.”

“Scotch, why are you… you know. Being so nice to me?”

He blinks a few times as his brow creases. “Do you really need to ask?”

Embarrassed, I turn away, pulling my hand away from his chest. I can’t admit that I don’t trust anyone’s motives. It’s too hard to say out loud.

“Look, I know that you feel a bit untethered at the moment. Let me help out. No obligation for you to return the favor.”

I let out a big breath. He leans in, close enough for just me to hear. “But I’m still holding you to that offer for dinner.”


The small clock on the nightstand in Will’s apartment says it’s four am. Which day it is, I’m not so sure about. I’m spent. Flying for hours on end and driving from the airport was the icing on a hell of a cake of angst.

“Crawl in.” I turn back the blanket for Simona.

She doesn’t argue, which I know means she’s as tired as I am.

I rub my hands over my gritty eyes, barely able to focus.

“You can’t drive like that.”

“I realize that. I’m going to crash on the couch.”

She watches me warily as I pull the blanket up and lower it over her small body. “I’ll change the dressing in a few hours. I’m not much good right now.”

“I still can’t believe you got us here. I have no clue how you drove with such little sleep.”

“I wanted you to have a comfortable bed tonight. Well, this morning, technically.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate that.”

I rub my hand over her head, half checking her temperature, half just to touch her. “Rest up, Sprite. I’ll be in to check on you in a few hours.”

When I pull back, she grabs my hand. “Come, lie down.”

“No, I’ll take the couch.”

“Don’t be stupid. That couch looks like it’s made of concrete.”

I grin. “It is sort of weird looking. Weird modern shit.”

She flips down the blanket again. “Get your ass in here.”

“You don’t have to worry about me taking advantage of you, I’m too tired.”

“Come on. Just stop mansplaining and get in here.”

I sag onto the side of the bed. She tugs me down. “Don’t worry, I’m too tired to take advantage of you too.”