Page 55 of Accepting Agatha

“A little warning next time,” I gasped as he thrust in again, “unless you want the female population of the complex waiting outside our door.”

He grabbed a handful of my hair and cranked my head back until we could see each other. “Who said speak?”

I rolled my eyes, and he shifted his grip to my throat. He didn’t squeeze or hurt me in any way, but the possessiveness of the hold was thrilling.

“I think you’re a sexy”—thrust—“sassy”—thrust—“troublemaker, Mrs. Sandoval,” he growled between exquisite lunges of his hips.

“Shit,” I gasped. “Hell yes, I am, if this is my punishment,” I teased through the fucking as we took turns groaning and taunting.

“Do you need my dick back in your mouth to stay quiet?”

“I wouldn’t say no,” I teased, but something snapped in the man, and he released his hold on my throat and gripped both hips when I tumbled back to my forearms.

Carmen pounded into me over and over again. His hips shuttled in and out like they were running on a separate power supply. Not sure I’d be able to walk or even move when we were done, but I didn’t issue a single word of complaint.

How could I, when I loved every minute of the treatment? The only problem was Carmen was ruining me for all other men. If I wasn’t careful, I could really fall for the man, and then I’d be completely wrecked when this was over.

“Come for me, Storm,” my lover panted from behind me.

But I was nowhere near getting off. Because I’d let my thoughts run away from me, I had lost the connection with the physical feelings I was being treated to. Honestly, I didn’t think I had the energy to start all over again, and he’d been working so hard, there was no way I’d tell him the truth about what happened.

Time to employ my acting skills and give the man the award-winning performance I was so used to giving in this situation. Bummer too, because so far with Carmen, all my orgasms had been legitimate. This would be the first one I faked my way through with him. I had an adult lifetime of practice faking it, though, so I knew he’d never know.

“Yeessss…” I drew out the word, just on the edge of a whimper. “I’m so close. So close.” I squeezed the muscles inside my channel that would naturally tense during climax.

He kept up a steady pace like the excellent lover he was.

It was the absolute worst when you told a guy you were about to come and they switched up whatever they were doing that got you to that point. It was the surefire come killer. Every single time. And for some reason, almost every dude I’d ever slept with did it.

“I’m right there with you,” he exhaled and leaned over my body to sink his teeth into my shoulder.

“Fuck! Yes, Carmen.” I pretended to gasp, and when I let the deep breath out, I announced, “I’m coming. Fuck. So good,” I said through fake ragged breaths. I continued to flex and release the muscles I had control of inside my body, attempting to sell the completion to my partner.

He stilled with his cock deep inside me, and our mixed breaths sounded like feral animals on the prowl. His hard shaft pulsed and jumped within my walls and seemed to go on for an eternity.

When he finally withdrew, I could feel his warm, thick semen trickle down the inside of my thigh. When I looked back over my shoulder, Carmen was watching the mess drip from my pussy, completely transfixed by the sight.

“Fuck, that’s so hot,” he finally said and collapsed to the bed beside me.

I snuggled into him with my back to his front, and he wrapped me in his embrace. I felt him burrowing through my messy hair with the tip of his nose and was blanketed by his warm breath each time he exhaled.

“Thank you,” I finally whispered. Even if I didn’t get off, the experience was amazing. He worked hard and deserved my praise and gratitude. “You’re really a great lay, in case no one has told you before.” I chuckled softly and added, “Amazing, really.”

Carmen kissed the back of my head and was unusually quiet. I told myself he was probably exhausted and closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

But my spouse was restless behind me. Finally, I gave in and asked, “What’s going on? You should’ve passed out after that.”

“I’m wrestling with the right way to ask you why you faked getting off. I don’t want to argue with you because you’re right, I’m exhausted. It’s probably best to revisit the conversation after we’ve both had some sleep. Night.”

And with that announcement, he pulled away from my body and turned onto his other side, leaving me to stare at his defined, muscled back.

Chapter Thirteen


I was lacing my running shoes when she sat up in bed.

“What time is it? It’s not even light out.” She rubbed her eyes while she spoke.