Page 38 of Accepting Agatha

“He didn’t really put up much of a fuss.”

Well, that had his head snapping up again. “What? Are you kidding? Shit, if Hannah had pulled that stunt, they would’ve guilted her about his unhealthy heart and that she was breaking up the family.” He rolled his eyes heavenward. “Don’t get me wrong. They are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, but those parents have the guilt trip mastered where my wife is concerned.”

“At least they care. My wife is all but ignored. And it’s definitely taken its toll on her over the years. She’s made a few comments under her breath about Hannah being the center of their universe and the others get whatever crumbs are left over.”

“That’s kind of fucked up that her sisters say that.”

“What’s fucked up is the fact that the other sisters have to.”

“Well, there’s stuff in her past that you probably don’t know about. It will make more sense one day when Agatha shares more with you,” he said, and suddenly we were both on the defensive.

Before that kind of bullshit could escalate, I said, “Well, thank you for the forthcoming raise. It’ll really help, and I’m beyond grateful.”

I extended my hand respectfully, and we shook.

“Guess we should get some work done?” he suggested with a big grin.

Good… No hard feelings for either of us. I’d hate to make my work environment awkward because we married into the same family. While I didn’t aspire to be someone else’s assistant for the rest of my life, I enjoyed my job and the people I worked with. The company had tons of growth potential, and I was stoked to be in with one of the owner’s right-hand men.

Feeling a little embarrassed to have to admit I didn’t have Elijah’s schedule committed to memory yet, I said, “Yeah, probably an emergency fire somewhere you should be putting out. Let me get back to my desk and check out the calendar.”

“I think I’m open until a nine thirty downstairs with HR. It will give me a perfect opportunity to submit your review package, so I’m going to work on that until then. Maybe hold my calls unless it’s absolutely necessary?”

“You got it. Thanks again, Elijah.” I made sure to hold his gaze so he knew how sincerely grateful I was.

“You deserve every dime, my man.” He gave me a solid thump on the back as I walked out.

I quietly closed his door and slid into the chair behind my desk. I really wanted to fire a quick text to Agatha and share the good news, but I didn’t want to wake her. Figuring I’d tell her when I got home, I dug into my email inbox and barely looked up until it was time to leave early that evening.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed I hadn’t heard from my girl all day. She did have a lot on her plate, with unpacking and job hunting, so I decided to surprise her with some takeout. I snagged a pretty bouquet from the few remaining in the white five-gallon bucket the local street vendor always sold her choices from. The kind elderly Mexican woman had a fresh daily selection at the corner by the market, and they always looked better and lasted longer than the grocery store offerings.

“Honey, I’m home,” I called into the dim apartment and tossed my keys into the ceramic bowl on the entryway table. Agatha’s keys and handbag were right where they were this morning when I’d left.

I ventured toward the kitchen, figuring I’d find her there, but that room was quiet too. Maybe she’d lain down for a bit? I left the flowers and food on the small countertop and went toward the master bedroom.

“Storm?” I called out but got no response. I didn’t want to startle her if she was sleeping, so I opened the door on quiet feet, and there she was.

“Didn’t you hear me calling to you?” I asked, wondering why she didn’t respond.

And for Christ’s sake…are those the same pajamas she had on last night?

She popped a pair of pods out of her ears and said, “Oh, hey. You’re home early.”

“It’s almost six”—then added when she continued wordlessly staring at me—“in the evening. Have you been in bed all day?”

“Pretty much,” she said with a careless shrug, and I could feel my body temperature climb.


“Don’t start on me the moment you walk in the door. ’Kay? I deserve a day or two to myself, so don’t harsh my mellow here.” She glared at me with challenge all over the expression.

On a dime, she changed topics and demeanor and popped out from under the covers.

“What smells so good? Did you bring food?”

She was toe to toe with me and stretched up to hook her arms around my neck. I was still trying to catch up from the mini ass chewing I’d just gotten, so she completely caught me off guard. I leaned into her embrace and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist.

“Yes, I grabbed us some dinner. I don’t know what you like, so I took a chance. But no way are you eating in our bed, so come out to the kitchen.” I gave her forehead a quick peck and released my embrace.