Page 47 of Accepting Agatha

I was relieved she didn’t get defensive or bite my head off for just trying to make conversation.

“Sure, that makes perfect sense,” I replied, trying to keep my cool about it. She didn’t need a lecture right out of the gate on how she should be more responsible. Instead, I went for a reminder of what we had been doing instead of worrying about power levels of electronics.

“Are you sore today?”

“Umm, no? I’m not that out of shape that carrying a few bags and suitcases would send me to the emergency room.” Her husky laugh vibrated through my entire body.

“That’s not what I meant, darling.” My voice naturally dropped into the lower register she seemed to respond to.

“I’m not following then, I guess.” A few beats went by, and my smart girl caught on. “Oooohh, you mean from that thorough fucking you gave me?”

“Indeed I do,” I answered smugly.

There was an audible inhale before she replied. “A bit, yes. But I wouldn’t turn down a repeat of that performance, Mr. Sandoval.”

“I’ll be home by five thirty, then!” I teased but meant every word of the vow.

And then the strangest thing I never expected erupted from Agatha Christine Farsey—a giggle. An actual schoolgirl-style shy and carefree giggle erupted from my wife, and it was so musical and, of course…arousing. I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath before putting my car in gear to get on my way.

“Let’s go out for dinner tonight,” she proposed then. “It’s Friday after all.”

Where the hell had this week gone? I didn’t think we should be spending the money, but she sounded so hopeful when offering the suggestion, I didn’t want to be the bad guy all the time.

“Okay. That sounds fun. Anything sound good? And nothing too fancy since we’re watching our cash.” Being the designated wet blanket sucked for so many reasons.

“I’m not really familiar with your neighborhood. Is?—”

I interrupted with a correction. “It’s our neighborhood now.”

Agatha sighed. “Yes, fine. Our neighborhood. I like pretty much everything.”

I merged onto the freeway and spoke up over the traffic noise. “There’s a really great Indian place.”

“Eww, no. Not that. I don’t like Indian.”

I smiled at her contradiction. “You just said you like everything.”

“Okay, everything but Indian. Oh, and not a big fan of Thai, but I love Japanese and Chinese.”

This was the most animated she’d been in days, so I just sat there listening with a big grin on my face.

“What about Mexican?” she asked.

“Nah, not Mexican. I had that for lunch. But there are two really good places close to the apartment when we do want that.”

“Well, I better go get in the shower so I don’t keep us waiting too long. I’ll see you when you get home,” she said cheerfully, and I bit into my cheek until I swore I tasted my own blood.

“Okay. See you soon.” I disconnected the call before I said something that launched an argument. If she’d spent the whole day in bed again, I wasn’t sure I could hold my tongue. Why was she just getting into the shower at five in the fucking afternoon?

The commute took longer than usual, but I was grateful for the extra time to work through all the thoughts and emotions running through my mind. I didn’t want to bicker every conversation. Who would?

I reminded myself repeatedly that being in a relationship meant compromising from time to time. She wouldn’t always do things the way I liked, or the way I would do them. Just like I wouldn’t do everything to her liking. But I had to dig deep and find the ability to look the other way when something bothered me, regardless of the fact that it went against my nature.

It wouldn’t be fair, though, for me to expect Agatha to do all the changing and giving in while I didn’t do the same.

It was closer to seven than six when I finally walked through the door.

“Hi!” Agatha called from the bedroom and turned down the music she’d been listening to.