Page 28 of Accepting Agatha

With a dramatic huff, she crawled off the bed and managed to make that look sexy too. I was transfixed by her creamy skin and felt desire pulsing through my body. I wrapped the robe’s belt around her waist and spun her by the shoulders to face me.

I planned on leaving my hands on her until she said otherwise.

“Now, what was the second thing you wanted to address? And then we need to get moving. At this rate, we’re going to still be packing at midnight.” It took every ounce of restraint not to ask again how she spent her day.

Agatha dropped her eyes to somewhere around my shirt collar. Whatever she was about to mention was uncomfortable to talk about. I could toy with her and make it worse, or I could be the good guy and meet her halfway conversationally.

She was wringing her hands enough that her fingers were flashing from white to pink. White to pink.

“Did you bring my journal? Did you keep your word and not read it?”

I pulled her into my arms to comfort her and hopefully cool her agitation. She resisted at first, but once we made contact, she sagged into my chest.

I planted a kiss on the crown of her head. “Of course I kept my word. That’s the kind of man I am, darling. I’m so proud of you for not falling apart worrying about it today, because I saw how difficult that was yesterday when I left with it.”

Something about that comment was received sideways, though, because she pulled out of my arms so abruptly she almost tripped over herself.

“What?” I asked, back among the confused.

“What?” she repeated my question in lieu of an answer.

“Why did you pull away like that?”

“I thought you wanted to pack? Make up your mind.” The eye roll on the end was unnecessary icing on her sassy cake.

I was back on her so fast, I didn’t have time to talk myself out of what I was doing. I wove my fingers through the hair at her nape and cranked her head back to meet my disapproving stare.

“Apologize,” I issued.

No missing the rate her breaths increased. Or the glassy, aroused glare she gave back.

“For what?”

Not one word about releasing her hair or backing away from her either. Just more challenge.

“How does one so small wrangle such a big mouth all day, Storm? I’m surprised you weren’t fired sooner.”

I added a quick wink after that comment because, in truth, I was teasing her. At the same time, I hoped it was abundantly clear I wouldn’t tolerate any sort of disrespect.

“What you should really be wondering about is how one well-placed kick could drop a man of your size so efficiently.” Her voice was dark and smoky, with an edge I hadn’t heard before. It turned me on that much more.

While she stared up at me, I took stock of her gorgeous features. My wife was a real beauty.

“Tell me, Storm, do you like that?” I increased the grip on her hair just a bit as a clue to what I was asking.

She closed her eyes slowly and gave one dip of her chin. If I hadn’t been so close, I would’ve missed it. Once more, I silently vowed to do whatever was necessary to make this arrangement work. To my fierce little spouse, I showed my gratitude for the answer by covering her mouth with mine.

She opened instantly for my exploring tongue, and I consumed more of her taste, her passion, and her perfection.

Kissing Agatha was easily one of the top three experiences of my life. The incredible energy and chemistry I felt brewing inside was intoxicating. I wanted to strip us both and claim her right then. But instead, I loosened my grasp on her hair and felt the rest of her body relax along with it.

With my lips still pressed against hers, I said, “Let’s get you packed so we can go home.” Of course she looked like she was about to protest again, so I finished with, “No more arguing. We could’ve been on the road by now.”

Which wasn’t true, and we both knew it. There was so much crap and clutter packed into this one room, we’d be lucky to finish boxing it all up in one night, let alone one hour.

Plus, now I had a hard-on to distract me from getting our actual task accomplished. The look on her face wasn’t helping our cause either.

She was zeroed in on the front of my slacks, and when she bit into her bottom lip, I was tempted to just throw her down on the bed and do this thing.