Page 50 of Captive

“You know this has to happen,” he says, softening his voice slightly and extending a finger under my chin to lift my eyes to his. “I do not do this merely to hurt you. I do it because this must be atoned for, and you must learn your lesson.”

“Can’t the experience of being abducted and nearly murdered be enough of a lesson?”

“You’ve lived a lifetime of danger,” he says, the pad of his thumb running up my cheek to stroke my scars lightly. “You’ve been hurt many times. I want this to be the last.”

He is so loving right now, and so very serious and stern at the same time. I have never felt so cherished in all my life. It is for that reason I allow him to put me over a custom-made punishment bench, a soft, raised surface that puts my ass in the perfect position for being disciplined by a saurian enforcer. There is no way this is made for anybody besides me. It is too small for a saurian, and it has little foot supports for someone with my leg-length.

“Good,” he says when I am settled into position. My upper body is supported and slightly inclined, and there are bars to grip with my hands. I am as comfortable as it is possible to be. He removes my dress, as I knew he would, leaving me entirely naked. I am fortunate that he decided to do this in the depths of the night so I might maintain some modesty.

“I have thought about this punishment for six weeks,” he says. “The entire time you and I were healing, I considered what proper means of discipline might truly impart to you the way I felt when I realized you had run away from a secure area and gotten yourself into danger. The feeling was impossibly painful, Raine. It was a torture like no other. And for that reason, I choose this.”

He plucks an implement from a cabinet near my eye level. It is a long, swishy, red sort of cane-like thing. I am sure it will hurt, but I know I deserve this. I know this whole affair will not be put to bed until I have atoned somehow. We both need this.

“This is the hard lash,” he says. I start to tremble as I hear his tone. He is so very solemn. This is not merely a punishment. This is something that will cleanse us both. “I have never used it on anybody, because the welt it leaves is sometimes permanent even on saurian scales. It is the last line of disciplinary recourse. It is only to be used when a lesson of life and death needs to be imparted. This is one of those times, Raine. I almost lost you because of your disobedience, your rebellious tendencies, and your recklessness. This is going to hurt, but let it be a lesson to you. I am to be obeyed.”

“H… how many?”

“Just one,” he says.

I thought that would be a comforting answer, but for some reason it really is not. There’s a grimness to Avel’s tone that makes me feel as though I am going to suffer in that single stroke as much as I might in an entire long beating.

“Be brave,” he instructs me, putting a comfortingly large hand on the small of my back, his fingers splaying wide enough to almost cover my entire waist. “And breathe.”

Just one. It’s just one. And he wouldn’t do anything that really harmed me, would he? No. Of course not. I can trust him. I can…

I hear the sound of a cane swishing through the air and then…


It lands hard across my ass, leaving a searing line of heat that does not abate as most strokes do. I scream as the heat somehow burns brighter in the aftermath. It feels as though my skin is being singed, as though my ass is swelling, as though every nerve in my butt is on fire.

I am also absolutely soaked, arousal being my body’s response to this incredibly intense and focused pain. That lash isn’t just another thing to hit someone with. There’s something about it that makes it transcendently awful to experience. I can’t put words to it. I only know that I never, ever want to encounter that implement again. My entire body is spasming in punished agony as I attempt to writhe or wriggle into some position that makes it hurt less. There is none.

Avel picks me up and holds me close, trying to soothe the pain by rubbing with his palm. It does not help. If anything, it spreads the fire.

“Breathe,” he purrs in my ear. “Breathe.”


She is trembling against me, tears pouring from her eyes. I suspected the hard lash would be particularly brutal when used on her. She is gasping and she is writhing and she is trying to rid herself of the effects of the hard lash, but it is not that simple. It is something that must be endured and survived, not something that can be soothed away.

There is only one thing left to do. Claim her as I promised I would claim her.

I hold her in the grasp that has become so familiar to us both. She clings to my shoulders and I support her hips as I lower her onto my throbbing mating rod, her eyes locked on mine. They are brimming with tears, just as I told her they would be. She sobs as my cock enters her. I promised her this very moment, and I had no intention of denying her it.

She is hot, and she is tight. I can feel the way her body is reacting to the stroke of the cane, how every muscle is tensing and relaxing, looking for the thing to try to escape. Little does it know that particular evil cannot be escaped. It can only be avoided through good behavior and proper submission.

Raine moans and writhes, her inner walls gripping me with that familiar and long awaited eagerness. Six weeks of celibacy has been torture, but I knew this moment would come, and I knew that when it did, it would be the most precious moment of our relationship.

I have been cruel. I have caused her severe pain — but she earned every bit of it and now not only is it starting to abate a little, but the heated aftermath has produced an abundance of arousal.

“I love you.” She whimpers the words against my mouth as she nibbles on my lower lip with that mammalian desperation. She is searching for comfort, and I want to give it. I want to provide her with the pleasure she deserves just as equally as the pain she has endured. I want her to know that on the other side of punishment is love and a complete and utter forgiveness. These events will not fester between us. She has been absolved of her sins completely.

“I love you too,” I murmur back, pulling her down hard on my cock and relishing the way her hot, tight body grips my saurian cock as I lift her back up again. “You are my life, my world, my everything.”

“I need to come,” she whimpers. “Please. It hurts. I need to…”

“You may come for me,” I growl, giving her permission. That is what she needed to hear. Almost immediately, she starts to writhe in place, her soaked human cunt clenching at my saurian cock with that incredible strength. She is milking me, demanding me. The vicious mark of the lash is urging her onward. She is not merely trying to attain orgasm, she is being chased toward it by the pain of the lash, which I know will be continuing to pulse through her tender form.