Page 20 of Captive

“HA!” She laughs without laughing.

I can’t let this have the air of play about it. I have to make it very clear that she is in trouble and being punished.

It is for that reason I choose to use a lash I know she finds painful. One that will leave welts and make her squeal in pain.

“When I tell you to behave yourself, you behave yourself. There is no alternative. I will not tolerate your misbehavior, Raine. I am your master. You belong to me. And when you disobey me, I will make you pay.”

Each of the last words of that sentence is punctuated by a harsh, whipping stroke of the lash that leaves a big welt. I know this will hurt for quite some time. She will feel it when she walks, and she will not sit comfortably for a long time.

“Fuck you!” She shouts a defiant refusal to submit yet again.

I can make the most terrible criminals in Grave City submit to me, but this human becomes more incensed the more she is punished. The pain fuels her fury rather than teaching her any kind of lesson.

“Raine!” I snap her name to get her attention through her incessant cursing.

She is writhing in front of me, the lower half of her body exposed and pink and red and marked with lines that should have brought her to a state of contrition and yet have not. I know humans cry, but she refuses to. There is something inside her that will not allow her to give in and show that kind of vulnerability.

“What!?” She snaps the word at me in a tone that indicates complete disrespect not only for the process but for me.

And that is when I stop finding this adorable. This human is just so incredibly resistant to discipline. She absorbs punishment without actually learning anything. I think it is some old habit that comes from a lifetime of lawbreaking. She is a pirate, a woman committed to lawlessness as much as I am dedicated to law.

“You have absolutely no respect in you, do you? Not a bone of it in your body.”

The lecture does not have the effect of shaming her. Not even a little bit. She laughs, proud of herself. Raine takes pleasure in resistance, and that means I will take my pleasure in breaking that resistance, once and for all. She is going to learn what I am capable of today. She is going to understand that more can happen to her than she imagines.

She laughs, displaying her marked bottom and thighs to me, more evidence of her refusal to submit. I think I have been too intimate with her, too soft and careful with her. It is time to treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Time to teach her a proper lesson.

“You are going to spend the night in a cell,” I inform her. “Because that is what happens to those who dare assault the property of the alpha. And tomorrow, you will be taken into the Hall of Bones, and you will be publicly punished, as you deserve to be. No more special treatment for you, my little human. You are going to suffer as others on this world suffer when they cross me.”

I expect her to immediately apologize, to curl up on herself as she did when she was in the hall, and to remember her manners. I know it is possible to get through to her from time to time. I hope she is able to remember what it felt like to be in that place — but I am swiftly disappointed.

“I wasn’t assaulting the property of the alpha. I was assaulting the universe’s worst pirate captain.”

She is argumentative. Rebellious. Disrespectful.

My hand flexes with the urge to discipline her more, but I cannot keep whipping her without damaging her. I am forced to make my point another way.


There’s always that moment where you know you’ve gone too far. The second I tell Avel that I can’t be brought to justice the way others are is definitely that moment. His expression changes. His gaze darkens, his jaw clenches. He looks down at me with hooded eyes, fresh determination written all over his face.

“I am going to teach you to behave, Raine,” he says. “And I am going to show you that nobody under my rule is immune from justice.”

My ass is aching, and I am wet in that way I know I shouldn’t be but usually leads to some fucking hot encounters.

“What are you going to do? Mate me? Take me?” I feel my hips squirming as I tease him. I am way too sore to take any more of the implement punishment he no doubt thinks I deserve.

“You don’t deserve my cock,” he says, his tone stern.

Wow. I must have really annoyed him for him to be denying himself my body. I guess I’m starting to understand just how seriously Avel takes himself. This whole justice thing, it’s not a job for him. It is who he is. It’s how he interacts with the whole damn world. And that means he probably really can’t tolerate someone lawless like me fucking with him.


Gripping her by the hair, I draw her up onto her knees on the bed. She has enjoyed so many soft comforts with me. Tonight she learns to appreciate them.

“You do not appreciate the many kindnesses you have been shown,” I lecture her. “You think you are above the law. You think you cannot be brought to justice the way others are.”

“That’s because I can’t be,” she smirks at me, so very cocky and assured.