Page 91 of Forbidden Need

He’d looped right back to the conversation she didn’t want to have. The truth could endanger the man, the family, she valued more than any other.

“I thought I was doing the right thing. A good deed. A necessary deed… I had no idea that it would lead to this.”

“What’s this?”

“We need to know if Silvio is responsible for Grandpapa’s death.”

“You want to trade,” he said. “What they know for what you stole?”

“Stole is a strong word, but… I thought if we could talk to someone from the Manzani side, not Vex ‘cause he’s useless and hasn’t come up with anything, someone useful. What happened with him at the wake?”

“Doesn’t matter. Did you reach out to Vex?”

“No, I… I went to Strat because that’s what I do, and I didn’t want to put you in the middle.”

“I’m not in the middle, I’m at your side. We stand together.”

“I know, but if you ask, if you get—it’s not discreet.”

“You think I can’t be discreet?”

“I think pushing the McDade button could be nuclear.”

“They know we’re involved.”

How could he be so calm when everything in her was fraught?

Rising to sit, her legs stayed astride him. “Yeah, and they’ve possibly already murdered one man I love, I can’t—shit.”

Getting up, she went into the closet. Except she needed a shower, she couldn’t—something snagged her wrist. Someone.

“You get defensive with me, I’ll use a different tack.”

“I went to Strat; I asked him to set me up a meet because I thought if I could ask—if I could look into the eyes of… It doesn’t matter. He was against it.”

“Good. He should’ve told you to come to me.”

“He did. More than once.”

“Then he gets to live.”

She sighed, yanking her wrist. “Conn.”

His grip clamped tighter, jerking her hard against him. “You bring everything to me, Sersha McLeod.”

“I was so lost, I… I can’t be strong like you. I fake it in front of other people, but I can’t with you. You see right through me.”

“My strength belongs to you. Your fire gives you all the guts you need to be with me.”

“And if I disappoint you? I don’t want to…”

And that was… What was to stop the same thing happening with Conn? She’d told Strat and he’d put himself in the firing line. Would Conn do the same thing?

“Sersh…” He grabbed her jaw to pull her face closer to his. “Nothing you say, nothing you’ve done, will change us. Can I trust you?”

Connel’s people told him everything. There were no secrets because loyalty was absolute. That was his world, and she needed to be part of it. That might mean accepting less than savory practices.

“Do you trade in women?”