Page 9 of Forbidden Need

Whisper appeared behind the stuttering guy. “Cops are here,” she said, shoving the guy aside. “A lot of them.”

Connel turned to her as she sat up on the desk. “Cops?”

“And her brother’s at the head of the pack.”

Niall’s voice she recognized, but she couldn’t take her eyes from Connel’s.

“Upstairs,” he said.

“He can’t—”

“He won’t,” Connel said, buttoning his shirt. “Go.”

She ran past him to grab her purse from the couch and turned on her heels to hurry through the curtain onto the stairs. Already there was movement in the office.

“Ire…” Lachlan said on the other side of her fabric shield. “You having a party in here?”

“Everyone out,” Connel commanded.

More movement and the office door closed. She’d sat there before. On those stairs. Listening to Connel talk with her brother.

“What do you want?” Connel asked.

“To look around… That’s not a problem, right?”

“No,” Connel said. “Providing you have a warrant.”

“A warrant? Thought you were open to the public.”

“If you and your people want to enjoy Stag as patrons, you’ll be extended every courtesy. First drink’s on the house.”

“That’s not what I call good customer service,” Lachlan said. “We want the full tour. To experience Stag behind the scenes. Nice shoes. What are they? A five-inch heel?” Her attention dropped to her bare feet. Shit. Her shoes were out there. How did she forget that? “Missing one of your diamonds.”

There were rhinestones on the back seam of the shoe. Apparently one less than there should be.

“That what you’re looking for, McLeod?” Connel asked. “Shoes?”

“No. Not shoes.”

“You ask to search a place, usually means you’re looking for something… or are you targeting me for a different reason?”

“Like what?”

“You tell me.”

Her heart raced. Part of her wanted to knock their heads together, another part desperately wanted it to be over. Walk out the door, Lachlan. Leave. Don’t push it. If he did, he could end up finding something he wouldn’t want to find at all: his sister.

“What do you think we—”

Her phone buzzed. Shit. No way they hadn’t heard the sound. Despite being on silent, the vibration was way louder than she’d ever heard it. Adrenaline shook her whole body.

“What are you hiding, McDade?” her brother asked, more intrigued than before. “Got anything you want to share?”

“Only the way out, Detective.”

“You know, we could be allies.”

“You know, we could,” Connel said, surprising her. No doubt her brother too. “If you chose a different profession.”