Page 56 of Forbidden Need

“Sersha,” Lucy said, leaping to her feet. “We didn’t know you were coming in today.”

“It’s good to see you too.”

Lucy scrambled about on the desk. “I’ve forwarded your messages in email. And I’ve got these…” she put a stack of letters and a box on the reception hutch. “Other gifts are in there.”

“Gifts?” she asked, turning in the direction Lucy nodded. “Flowers and… things.”

The interview room by the reception was teeming with flowers. The door was closed, but the panel next to it was glass.

“Shit, where did they come from?”

“Everyone. There are cards. Condolence cards.”

Of course. “Collect the cards. I’ll thank who I need to thank. Send the flowers over to the hospital or some funeral home or whatever. Give them out to guests.”

“You don’t want them?”

“What am I going to do with all those?”

“Would Ire get jealous?” Surprise brought her attention around; the young receptionist immediately shrank. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—”

“Conn has nothing to be jealous of.” She squinted. “But they wouldn’t go great with his decor.”

“It wasn’t him, was it? Ire McDade. Is he your secret admirer?”

Subduing a laugh took effort. “No.”

Wasn’t much secret about him anymore. Man, it was liberating.

She smiled and headed for her desk. People might think her being with Connel changed everything about her, it didn’t. Some things? Yes. But not everything. Having him mentioned to her, in relation to her, was a new thing that would take some adjustment. Some part of her still thought of them as a secret. Except they weren’t. The world knew about their relationship, she’d have to get used to being probed.

At her desk, papers filled the in-tray. Junk mail. Post-its. Leave the routine for a couple of days and the space becomes a dumping ground.

“Sersha?” Tulip’s voice turned her around. “I’m so sorry about your loss.”


“I couldn’t believe it, I… I’m so sorry. Do you have any leads?”

Not something she really wanted to talk about. “We’re leaving the investigation to the police.”

“That must be difficult. As an investigative journalist, this is what we do.”

“Yes, there are just more… pressing concerns.”

“Right because you’re with… Did your family know that before he was arrested? About your sexual relationship with Ire McDade?” Was this woman interrogating her? “Makes sense now why you had me removed from Stag. That was you, wasn’t it?” No, it wasn’t. “I’d love a quote. I know it doesn’t seem like the right time—”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“I’d just like to fact check a couple of things.”

A couple of things and probably a whole lot more. These things snowballed fast.

“I have to see Steeple.”

She tried to sidestep, but Tulip got in her way. “It will only take a second.”

“I don’t want to talk right now,” she said, skirting the woman, intending to go to Steeple’s office.