Turned out Evander got his insecure ego from his father.
Silvio turned on hers. “Once again, you disappoint, McLeod. You fail to deliver.”
“We have the votes,” her father said, a thread of desperation in the back of his throat. “We don’t need her.”
Her. Like she was some repulsive stranger.
“Her power is greater than yours,” Silvio stated, his lip curling in disgust. “You have nothing to offer.”
The don started for the door, halting for just a moment to lock eyes with the guy behind her. She held her breath until he carried on out. The door closed and then they were alone with her father again.
“Can we go home too?” she asked, guiding Conn’s arm around her waist.
“Now see…” The purr of pleasure in Conn’s voice was more than a little smug. “You’re in trouble, Superintendent.”
“Trouble?” she asked, watching panic flicker behind her father’s eyes. “He’s in trouble.”
“Nothing to offer the Manzanis and the McDades don’t want him.”
“I have plenty to offer,” he barked. “Plenty to—”
“Your influence hasn’t paid off. Feel the desperation? There’ll be a price on your head by morning.”
“What are you—”
“Working with The Director protected you.” Another of Silvio’s names. “Now you can’t collect the votes—”
“I can. There’s time—”
“We got Blakely.”
Cold dread settled over her father. “No, you—”
“With a little help from my woman.” His, not her father’s daughter, not a McLeod, a McDade. Shit. Pride. The delectable weight of it enveloped her in satisfaction. “You took money from Silvio promising you could deliver him the council. Instead your father brought scrutiny and your daughter proved her allegiance elsewhere. Like she said, you are irrelevant. Nothing more than a liability. A loose end. The Manzanis won’t leave a loose end.”
She’d lost her grandfather and now her father could be in danger of losing his life. Where did that leave them? How did she feel about…? Seemed cold to think her father had made his bed, but was courtesy enough of a reason to ask Conn to step in? Could the McDades take on another battle? Protecting her father would prove difficult if the Manzanis were determined.
How would he feel if something happened to their father?
“There will be other votes. Other situations with—”
“Except you’ve proved you can’t deliver. Why would the Manzanis rely on you again?”
If the Harvest deal was in the bag for the McDades, their territory would grow. Their influence would spread. Her guy, providing he could deal with the threat from within, would build strength upon strength.
No doubt Biz wanted the Manzanis to win the vote. From prison, he couldn’t offer much in the way of support or influence. No, Biz was up to something else. Maybe Silvio would exact a price for this defeat. Would it be enough to disrupt their bargain, whatever the details?
“They can’t hurt me. I’m Superintendent!”
“How did position help your father?” Conn asked. “He died within these walls for standing with integrity. You’ll fall without yours. Someone was willing to put a bullet in him for—”
“He got in the way! Asked questions that were—he caused trouble!”
“Doing the right thing,” Conn finished his sentence. “Standing up for something.”
“If he had stayed out of it—”