“Money lending, construction, protection, rentals… we pick up stock where we can, pass it along.” Code for theft, she’d guess. “Gambling, to a certain extent. Clubs, we look after our people.”
“Do you harass those who don’t pay for protection?”
“No,” he said. “We offer payback for those who do. We don’t just protect, we stand up for our own. Paying the McDades means protection, not extortion… We’re not shy ‘bout that in the right field.” Yeah, like her experience. “Game the stock market when we get the chance.”
“Insider trading?”
“What has this got to do with the Manzani trade?”
“I took from the Manzanis. I can’t trust Vex.”
“Who’s the meet with? Silvio?”
His head almost fell back, in its tilt, she could hear him groan.
“I know! Don’t get mad.”
He hissed out a breath. “Give me whatever it is. I’ll do the trade.”
She cringed. “This is where your disappointment comes in.”
His chin dropped as he frowned. “You lost it?” She shook her head. “Destroyed it?” Shake again. “Sold it?”
“I never intended to hand it over.”
His hands fell to his sides, bewildered, like he couldn’t comprehend it. Shock wasn’t a typical emotion for this man.
“It’s about pride,” he stated.
“I know that.”
“There’s a way the game is played.”
“Strat told me that too.”
“You carry the McDade name now,” he said. “Your reputation is our reputation. To insult the family name—”
“I get it. I know. I’m sorry. It was an impulse; an idea born in the midst of desperation. This is why I say these things out loud to Strat before I do them. His reaction is a barometer of my craziness.”
“He shouldn’t let you do anything dangerous.”
“Wish granted.” Sinking forward, her face came to rest against him. “He arranged the meet… for him, not for me. He’s going to screw the Manzanis so I can’t.”
A hand curved around the back of her head. “What do you want?”
One simple question.
Her simple answer. “Strat safe.”
“Anything you want, I can make it happen.”
“Will you protect my friend?”
“Aye. Have the Manzanis called in their chit?”