Page 61 of Forbidden Need

That struck a chord with her discerning brother. “What has he done for you?”

“He protects me.” Without missing a beat, she wanted to alleviate his suspicion. “My life. My well-being is the primary McDade priority. Didn’t you hear him say that?”

“Words are easy.”

“He didn’t tell the truth at the precinct to protect me.”

“And you’re saying he wouldn’t expect you to speak up?”

“He didn’t arrest himself. He didn’t snitch and push the cops in his own direction. He didn’t orchestrate my confession.”

“Didn’t mean it didn’t work for him.”

“Oh, yeah? He could’ve outed me when you were in his office. He could’ve rubbed our relationship in your face. Not only didn’t he do that, but he ordered his men not to mention my name next to his. He was protecting you too because you matter to me.”

“You don’t get it. Buying time for you to get attached means he guarantees your compliance when he needs it. Men like him are strategic. They think a few moves ahead and know sometimes sacrifices have to be made.”

“He’s never asked me to spy or give him information.” Sure, he’d asked her to run an errand, but that was irrelevant because she hadn’t followed through. Connel hadn’t tortured her. Ever. Not with anything except her own desire. “He’s a good man.”

Her brother scoffed. “No, sis, he isn’t. And it’s terrifying you could believe that.”

“Is this what it’s going to be? Always? He doesn’t talk down about you. He doesn’t criticize and mock you. From an outsider’s point of view, you’re the antagonist here.”

“I don’t like any of your boyfriends. That’s my right as your older brother. But you’ve never had a boyfriend who could put a bullet in you for forgetting to take out the trash.”

Her head shook. “You don’t know him. He would never—”

“They call him ‘Ire’ for a reason.” Yep, and her brother wasn’t the first person to say that. “The guy has serious anger issues.”

“People frustrate him.” Especially those who interrupted while they were naked. “And he doesn’t… I calm him. I don’t know how or why, but when he gets angry, I can dial him down.”

“Strange superpower,” Lachlan said. “Do you really want to be around when that power runs out?”

“You’re determined to think the worst. Any woman could get just as angry with you. An asshole in the street could walk right up and shoot you just for being a cop. Should we talk about that?”

“You’re having sex with Ire, right?” he asked. She didn’t answer. “That means alone. Sleeping. Naked. Vulnerable. When he gets bored with you, he could send you off anywhere in the world to live in a brothel.”

“Only if I asked nicely.” He glared at her sass. “Things can go wrong in any relationship. Conn and I are at least aware of our differences. And, yes, we make allowances for those differences, but any relationship requires compromise.”

“This is more than compromise.”

“You and Imogen were perfect for each other and it didn’t work out. I didn’t talk about her sending you off to some far-flung place.”

“Ire has the means.”

“But not the will. Why would he want to get rid of me? If it doesn’t work out, then it doesn’t work out.”

“What if there’s someone else? What if you meet someone else?”

“I love Connel,” she said, and he blinked in surprise. “I’m not shopping around. I wouldn’t cheat on any boyfriend. It’s a respect thing. If I’m in a place where I have to go looking elsewhere, then it’s time to end the relationship.”

“Easy to say when it’s not real, when it’s just intellectual.”

“Beyond my views on the subject,” she said. “You think I would do that to another guy, to any guy, set him up as Conn’s enemy? Shit, it’s hard enough when Evander’s around and I couldn’t be less interested.”

“Because your boyfriend is a lunatic.”

“No, he isn’t. Evander is the one not getting what he wants. I’ve made it clear to him.”