“Yeah, we were all there. The cops busted on in like they owned the joint, totally coming in their pants when the cuffs went on. It happened fast.”
It would have to. “Did they get a warrant for the club?”
“No,” Whisper said. “Thank God. They had such a hard-on for getting Ire that they couldn’t keep it in their pants that long. How did your family take it?”
“My brother’s hurt. He’s been through a lot. I feel like shit for putting him through more.”
“And your dad?”
She exhaled an almost laugh and drank more before answering. “I don’t get how he can do something so disgraceful and still spout his righteous bullshit at the same time?”
“Accepting a payoff is a ways away from evil. So he got greedy, he’s not alone in that.” Whisper leaned closer. “And you’re in good company. My father sold me to his enemy. Zay’s dad ordered the murder of Ire’s and fucked his desperate-to-get-pregnant daughter-in-law all the while aware she was on birth control without her knowledge. Yeah, you don’t get the monopoly on righteous, sanctimonious sons of bitches until you’ve been propositioned by Daddy Burl.”
“He’ll never get the chance,” Connel said, reappearing with Razer.
“Oh, I don’t know, we could always visit him in the big house. We could take Nicki, make it a trifecta. Maybe he could get us all pregnant while we’re there. Save you boys the trouble.”
“No one thinks you’re funny,” Razer said.
“I think I’m funny,” Whisper replied, tipping her head all the way back when the men stopped behind the couch.
“That mouth is better at other things, Peanut,” Razer said. “Bedtime.”
“And they say romance is dead,” Whisper stage whispered her way before tossing back the drink and putting her empty glass on the table.
The hug she was pulled into was unexpected, but not unwelcome.
“Goodnight,” she said when Whisper rose and started for the hallway she’d never been down.
She peeked over the back of the couch.
“Front and center,” Connel said already heading for the bedroom.
SHE JUMPED UP to follow, driven by an eagerness to please him more than what was promised between his sheets.
But he didn’t stop at the bed and continued past toward the closet.
“You switched it around,” she said, noting the bed was on the opposite wall from where it had been before.
“Aye,” he called back. “Front and center.”
Right. He didn’t appreciate repeating himself.
She jumped to it and hurried after him. By the time she caught up, the shower was on and he was shirtless.
“Why did you rearrange the bedroom?” she asked as he undressed her.
“In the club, you sleep on the left,” he said, squeezing her breasts. “Furthest from the door.”
Getting her naked hadn’t taken long. “And if I slept on the left here where the bed used to be, I’d be closest to the door.”
“Right,” he said, his thumbs brushing across her nipples.
“Can we go to bed?” she asked, tucking her fingers into his waistband.
“After I shower off the precinct,” he said, sliding back the door to urge her inside.