Page 144 of Forbidden Need


“We have to meet.”

“Meet?” Opening Conn’s top drawer, she checked the time on his many watches. “Are you insane? It’s three thirty in the morning.”

“This can’t wait. Your brother’s life depends on it. Meet me at your grandfather’s in twenty minutes. Alone. Come by yourself. Alone.”

“Dad, I—”

The line disconnected. A second later, she was staring at the screen again. Had that just happened, or had she dreamed the whole thing?

Why her grandfather’s? Because she wouldn’t be dumb enough to rock up to her father’s house? Henry’s house was the closest safe and private neutral territory. That was her guess.

With curiosity stirred, and concern for Lachlan alight, there was no way she’d ignore the request.

What did a person wear to a middle of the night clandestine meeting with a duplicitous parent?


She couldn’t trust her father. She didn’t. Zipping her pants, she opened Conn’s underwear drawer.

“Shirt or tee-shirt?” she asked, grabbing boxer-briefs and turning to toss them to the man she’d sensed in the doorway.

“What does he want?”

“I don’t know, but he said Lach’s life depended on us meeting.”


“That was what he said.” Many times. She retrieved a bra. “A meet at Grandpapa’s.”

“Threatening your brother is the quickest way to blind you, Macushla.”

“I can’t take the risk.”

“That’s what he’s counting on.”

“We go in, hear him out. Walk out any time.”

“You want me with you?”

She paused, startled by the unexpected question. The opposite hadn’t occurred to her.

“It’s only my father. If you don’t want to come, I can handle him alone.”

Sauntering over, he brought his body up against hers. “What do you want?”

“I want you with me,” she said because it was the honest truth. “I want you to sleep and be rested, but will you really sleep if I go do this alone?” And there was another reason. “If my dad’s mixed up with Silvio, and we don’t know if he knew about the attack before it happened…” She sighed. No, she wasn’t afraid. Not exactly. The unknowns instilled sensible wariness. “I’ll only come home and tell you everything anyway. Going together saves time. And if my dad needs help, you’re more equipped to offer it than I am.”

“Your father won’t accept help from me.”

“Would you give it?”

“If you asked.”

He got to dressing so probably didn’t see the smile tug at her lips. Conn and the superintendent may be at odds, but her guy cared about her first and spite second. He’d help her father not for his sake, for hers.

He tucked his shirt into his pants. As he turned, she caught his belt before he could buckle it.