“You think that’s why I care? A case?” His head shook once. “What if you’re standing next to her when someone takes a shot?”
That wouldn’t happen.
“Conn would never let me be caught in anyone’s crossfire. I’m safer here with the McDades than I have ever been in my life.”
“You talked to Dad?”
“No, and I have no intention of talking to him.” Though the reminder did stoke some of her annoyance. “You think the McDades will get me killed? You know what’s more likely to get me killed? Dad fucking around with the Manzanis. You don’t think that makes me vulnerable? If they want to make a point, what’s to stop them putting a bullet in either of us? Maybe Grandpapa got dead because he asked the wrong questions. Maybe he got dead to prove a point to our father.”
“You think the Manzanis are behind the murder?”
“I think if I didn’t have Conn protecting me, I’d be out there in the wind. You’re a cop. People notice when a cop gets dead. Me? I’m a reporter who pokes her nose where it’s not welcome. Easy to off a meddlesome journalist, people sort of assume we deserve it.”
“Dad would never—”
“He’s not the man you think he is. He doesn’t deserve your loyalty.”
“Who does?”
Did she? Was that his target? Shimmying out of the booth, she couldn’t stay on her ass when her brother’s mood was ramping up.
“Lachlan, if you don’t want to be here, if you don’t believe me and you think Dad is innocent, why did you come?”
“I have to believe I’ll get through to you. When you were a kid, at school, I never told you who to hang out with. I always assumed you’d—that you were smart enough to sense danger. It’s in us, that gut instinct—”
“Not according to Dad. According to him, I don’t have it. I’m useless and a liability to—”
“Why do you hate him?”
“Why do you love him?” she asked. “He’s never given you any recognition, never supported you when it counted. He’s so fucking self-centered—”
“And you think Ire is Mr. Selfless and—”
“Lachlan, this is the man I’m with, the man I choose, the man I love. No one is asking you to love him too. Nothing has to change between us. I’m still your little sister. Still Sersha. You’ve always loved me. Are you saying that me being with Connel changes that? That you don’t love me, can’t love me, if I stand with the McDades?”
He couldn’t—they wouldn’t… She’d known he would be disappointed and had never once considered cutting him from her life. Was that what she was facing? It had never occurred to her that Lachlan, her big brother and protector, might cut her from his.
“Time’s up.”
Hock’s deep voice broke their stare. Snuff loitered near the entrance as Hock moseyed over.
“Time’s up?” Lachlan asked.
“Time to go, Detective.”
“Hock, he doesn’t—”
“No one raises their voice to Bluebell.” Shit. Had they been heard from upstairs? She’d chosen her spot knowing Conn would see her and know where she was if he needed her. Could be choosing the central spot in the echoey cavern would be responsible for severing her connection to her brother at the most crucial point. “Time to go.”
She exhaled. “We should take a breath. I’ll call you.”
Lachlan put up no fight. Hock didn’t even get close. Her brother turned and stalked out. The McDades were fighting to stick together at the same time the McLeods were falling apart. And with dire circumstances weighing her guy down, she couldn’t talk to him about it. She couldn’t distract him. His head had to stay in the game; stay in staying alive.
Surrounded by people, she’d never been so alone.