“There’s a lot of chatter on the streets,” he said, ignoring her quip. “A lot of movement.”
“I wouldn’t know anything about that.”
“I hope he’s keeping you out of it, sis. I really do.” Her brother couldn’t help but care and she had to love him for it. “Spoke to Lupe.”
Ah, a more likely reason for the visit.
“She’s a special woman.”
“Funny, that’s what she told me I’d said to you.” No denial, she just smiled. “She doesn’t want Dad to know.”
“‘Cause he and I are bosom buddies who tell each other everything and braid each other’s hair. Lupe told me already. The secret’s safe.”
“That what you tell Ire?”
“Lach,” she half whined, half warned.
“The shit that’s going on, the players that are moving onto the scene… Sersh, you could get hurt. You will get hurt if he doesn’t—”
“He will. You don’t have to worry about my safety or the McDades security.”
“At the top of the food chain? Maybe not. That doesn’t mean stability within the family. Do you know there’s a price on Nicole McDade’s head? Word is her incarcerated husband put it there.” Time to practice her poker face. Whatever she did got her brother exhaling an incredulous laugh. “You did know. How long have you known?” Nope, she wouldn’t say a word. “This is the people you’re dealing with. Men hiring hitmen to take out women they once claimed to love. Why are you still here? You’re smarter than this.”
“My relationship is not the same as theirs.” For one thing, she’d never cheat on Conn, especially not with a member of his own family. “Conn keeps me close to keep me safe.”
“If Biz makes a move to take over—”
“We’ll be ready for it.”
“It’s dangerous, Sersh. Did you hear about the fire in Miami? Score McDade’s nightclub, gone.” Lachlan gestured around. “What stops Stag being next? You sleep here, right?”
“Why are you so—”
“Because you’re my little sister.” Concern bubbled beneath his impatience. “I can’t look after you if I don’t have access.”
“You have access. You’re here.”
“Not that kind of access.”
“What other kind of access is there?”
“Access to the full picture, the full truth. You’re hiding things from me.”
“And you’ve never hidden anything from me?” she asked. “You’re not the only one who wants to protect their sibling. There’s nothing to worry about. Conn knows everything. He has my full truth.”
“I don’t trust him.”
“I got that.”
“I want to talk to him.”
“No.” Not like he’d never brought that up before. “There literally couldn’t be a worse time. He’s busy.”
“Plotting the deaths of his own family members? Nicole McDade’s in the city.”
She said nothing, just waited. Eyes locked to her brother’s. Protecting Conn and the McDades was her reality. Some little part of her though, a corner that craved her brother’s happiness, that part wept. She’d always trusted Lachlan and this, the way things had been between them, didn’t feel the same anymore.
“I will not be your source.”