Page 124 of Forbidden Need

“Anonymous caller. Said we should ask around because it’s out there.”

“Okay,” she muttered.

“Mean anything to you?”

Sucking in a breath, she faux smiled. “Course not. Let me know if there’s anyone with an unusual interest.”

“No one specific has raised a red flag. I can forward the call logs… I don’t always take them.”

Sure, the man had a department to run.

“That would be great. Thank you, Steeple. Your understanding means a lot.”

Some people in her life were a support. Others had questionable motives. Where did the truth lie?


THEY PULLED UP outside Stag. When she got out, Daly nodded over the car at something, someone. Lachlan. On the other side of the street, getting out of a vehicle, her brother headed their way. Had he been waiting for her? For how long?

“Can we talk?” he called.

When he reached her, she side nodded then followed her head in a turn to go into the club.

“We can go back to your place,” Lachlan said as they traversed the tunnel.

“This is my place.”

“You giving up the apartment for good?”

“I’m surprised you haven’t moved into the bedroom already.”

“Thought about it, but considering what you’ve done there…”

“Change the sheets, flip the mattress, buy a new one,” she said, pointing at a stool while going behind the bar. “What do you want to drink? Coffee? Liquor?”

“The club’s not open.”

“I wasn’t planning to charge you, but I can get a bottle from upstairs, if that would make you feel better.”

“Why don’t we go up there? Scared Ire will see us together? Is he home?”

“If you mean here…” She chose whiskey. “I have no idea.” Two fingers each. “Did you come to talk to me or to him?”

“Trying to judge how much he trusts you.”

“He trusts me.”

“That why we’re down here instead of in his office?”

She pushed his drink to him. “Ah, that’s why you came? To snoop? Want me to show you his underwear drawer? There is a man behind the myth. He has a toothbrush too.”

“I came to talk about Dad.”

“Let me guess?” She swallowed a mouthful of warming liquor. “I’m wrong. Making things up. Listening to bad people who mean me harm?”

“No, actually…” He seemed unnervingly calm. “I came to hear you out.”

Huh, well, now she had to regroup. “Have you talked to him? Dad?”