Going to spend some time with the young ones this afternoon; I promised them a small

foraging expedition after lessons and a Queen always keeps her promises.

Just like my king. His word is law.

Did I mention I’m still a bit sore? How can I pencil in a repeat? ;)

It’s your turn to play a game of how many licks…

Your precious one.

I chuckle at the sassiness in the post-it note attached to the mini-refrigerator inside my office. The door to that thing is littered with them; everything from a simple: good morning to I’ll miss you today, and then my favorite, come find me, my king.

It’s possessive and sexy. So sweet and unexpected, but more importantly, something I can’t start my day or end my night without again. I’m spoiled by each little note.

Love to walk into a room and find them in random places, then collect each line because, to me, it’s a treasure worth showcasing. Just like the happy stickers.

The first time she saw one a few days after coming to live with me, Isotta’s granddaughter had burst into the kitchen showing off her good behavior sticker. And my girl, having been deprived of the simplest pleasures, had fallen in love with the goofy things at first sight.

Her smile was radiant. Her excitement was so palpable that I ordered a box filled to the brim with happy face stickers that same night, and was excited to go into town the next day and pick up my order from the P.O. box I kept there.

“Leo, what’s this?” Her adorable nose scrunches up, her ears twitching in excitement. “It’s very pretty packaging.”

“I think you’ll enjoy what’s inside the most,” I croon, pushing a stray blonde hair back off her cheek. Her ponytail’s a little messy, cheeks flushed with smudges of flour from a backing lesson, and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. “Go on. Make your mate happy.”

“You’re spoiling me.”

“It’s my honor to do so, precious one.”

“You didn’t!” Squeal. Giggling. Tiny hands grip the box with her favorite circular design, and she tucks it against her chest. “Y-you got me stickers?”

“No crying, Anaya,” I admonish gently, even as she sniffs happy tears at me, and then proceeds to place a bright blue monstrosity on her king’s forehead, the cartoon winking while blowing a kiss. “I’m never taking this off.”

At that, she snorts. Her grin is so big. “You will, but I’ll make sure you start every day for the rest of our days with a smile.”

A promise kept. I’ve never been happier or felt so cared for in my life.

“The prisoners are ready for their interrogation, Your Highness. Ready to go?” Augusto taps the doorframe to my office; his excitement is questionable. He’s not a blood-thirsty warlock, more diplomatic. “Because I am.”

“What’s got you so chipper?” I ask, standing from my place behind the desk while tucking today’s note into my trouser pocket. “It’s not knocking off time yet.”

“It’s been a while since my Annette executed her role as an elder female.” That’s all he says before giving me a shrug and then heading back the way he came. He’s whistling to himself, too, when I catch up with him, and throughout our walk until we reach the dungeons on my territory.

His position as my second-in-command is one he’s always taken seriously. Same as his bodyguard duty to protect my mother when she was alive, but this is a side of him that’s new. Hilarious, even, but I refrain from calling him out on it and let the man enjoy what he considers foreplay.

A prison employee has the door open for me before I type in the passkey and it locks behind us just as fast, completely sealing the iron and silver structure housing the last remaining Veltross.

Gabriella and Theodore will arrive tonight, and it will be their choice—their kill—to do with as they please. And while we deal with Chiara and Lena, Xadiel and Isabella are busy cleansing the fae territory of all traces of dark magic. They’ve made headway inside the royal court with the help of Anaya’s grandfather, pushing out those who oppose my mate or fight back against the execution of their prior king, Amelia’s father, by the God of War, Ares.

They have no idea the fallen queen is alive yet, and it’s just how my beauty wants it. She fears for her mother’s life, and Amelia isn’t strong enough to defend herself at the moment.

“How painful do you wish the interrogation to be, Leonardo? Annette asked me to procure parameters before you begin.”

“At her full discretion.” The decision is an easy one to make, at least where this creature is concerned. Because while I’ll never condone violence against women, I consider Chiara to be unworthy of any empathy. She helped kill hundreds of innocent, rejected faes. She almost bled Amelia dry and I’m sure was tempted to do the same to my Anaya. No sympathy from me. None. “All I ask is that she’s alive when Gabby arrives. This is her kill.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll relay the message now.” He leaves immediately after, while I take my time and walk down to the interrogation room at a leisurely pace. Each of my boot-covered steps is loud on the concrete floor, the thump echoing off the walls announcing my presence. Many take steps back as I pass their cells, and the few that don’t are simply frozen in place and don’t move an inch to not call attention to themselves.