I wait.
And wait some more.
Anaya’s gone speechless as she twists her head from side to side, taking in the most minute detail I’ve prepared for this date, from each cushion, to the fabric beneath our bodies, and then the delicate baskets used to transport our lunch. She oohs and ahhs over all of it, but the real excitement comes in the form of a squeal when our private oasis becomes her focus.
The pool itself is carved five feet deep and in an oval shape with the edges made out of smoothed-out travertine. The opulent stone slopes and then disappears beneath the crystal-clear water, adding to the natural beauty of the shimmering surface.
There’s a solar-powered water feature.
A flat area to sunbathe.
And what’s better, no one is allowed on this section of my property. We will not be interrupted.
“This is beautiful, Leonardo. How did you find this place?”
“I didn’t.” My answer causes her brows to furrow, but before she can ask, I continue. “I built this, Anaya. Everything here was dug, carved, polished, and connected by me.”
“How long did it take you to create this? It had to be before I moved here.”
Lying back on the mattress, I kick off my shoes and pull her down with me. Turn us so we’re side by side, facing each other. Goddess, she’s beautiful. “I started working on this place over a decade ago and added things to it slowly. Always thinking about what my queen would like, adding touches of comfort to please her.” Leaning over, I press my lips to hers. Just hold them there. “I was never actively searching for a mate, Anaya, but I’m blessed to call you mine. The Gods rewarded my patience. They gave me the greatest gift and lesson the moment our eyes met.”
“Why a lesson?”
“Because for so long, I thought of and wanted nothing more than to kill your father. Avenging my parents was my sole purpose in life.”
And now?”
“Now I have you, and you supersede everything. Everyone.”
“You, me, and our baby.”
“Team Moore for life,” I say, and she giggles, but that soon turns into a yawn. Another difference in her; she’s been needing naps in the middle of the day for the last week. Isotta and Annette assured me it was normal; pregnant women go through different needs for the duration, and being a little extra tired is all part of the gig.
“Sleep, sweetheart. I’ll watch over you.”
“Maybe you can nap with me instead?” Begging violet eyes, a soft smile, and the cute way she pats her stomach—I can’t say no. Tugging the blanket free from beneath me, I cover us before whispering a low incantation meant to protect the area and my family while we rest.
Neve laedat hoc sacrum spatium.
Neve laedat hoc sacrum spatium.
Neve laedat hoc sacrum spatium.
* * *
Warm. Wet. Heat.
I’m pulled from sleep by the pleasure enveloping my cock, the pulses rushing through me from my head to my balls, and then it spreads through every limb of my body. It feels so good, more so when an electrical pulse shocks me right where my mating mark sits.
“Bad little fae.” My voice is rough from sleep as I open my eyes to the most beautiful sight in the world: Anaya licking me from base to tip—paying special attention to my mating mark—as if I were a melting ice cream. Her tiny tongue is worshipping every ridge and vein, adding pressure on the underside and then drawing down to my balls where she suckles the right one into her mouth before moving to the left. “Fuck, Anaya. That mouth of yours is heaven.”
“Is it?” she asks, languid in her movement. No hurry as she gives a tiny nip with her fangs to the base of my cock, causing me to jump. I like the sting. Enjoy the pain. “This also doesn’t feel like a punishment. You lied, and that list was an imaginary threat all along…”
“Yes, Leonardo?”
“Run.” Violet eyes flash with heat as she lands a second bite above the first and then takes off, a little blood on her lips. Because she’s pregnant, I won’t tackle her and fuck an imprint of her perky ass into the ground, but there are other ways to win.