My hands instinctively cover my abdomen moments before Leonardo rushes inside. He looks tired as his eyes meet mine, the dark circles beneath them showing his exhaustion. “How long was I out? Is the baby?—”

“Our little one is safe and happy inside his perfect mother,” he croons once beside me, his large hands cupping my face as he lowers his to mine. And the smile that greets me as soon as we’re exchanging breaths is pure magic. His mere presence rights any wrong committed against me, because at the end of my journey, I have everything. His love, our home, and now a little one who will grow up with the previous generations of faes to coddle and dote on the tiny monarch. Just like his father, uncles, and aunts will teach him about other species and how special our family is. Perfectly chaotic, but a perfect blend. “I’m the happiest man on earth, my precious one. This blessing is a gift from the Gods after so much suffering. He or she will be the best part of us; a fae witch hybrid with the heart of a warrior for his people. Both of them.”

“Leonora always said you two would make a cute couple,” Maman interjects, and our faces turn in her direction; her hands are intertwined against her chest while a big smile spreads across her face. “And I must say that sly witch was right. But then again, she constantly cheated, Paolo’s gift making it all the easier for her.”

Leo snorts while picking me up gently and then slipping in beneath me. He places me on his lap while running blunt fingernails down my hair, the action so soothing. “My father had no shame when it came to his mate. None.”

“Like father, like son, then?”

“Guilty.” Leo looks down at me, and I skim my fingertips across the dark circles, healing a bit of his exhaustion, which earns me a harsh nip to my finger. “Don’t. You need your energy.”

“I didn’t even feel that.”

“She’s always been a stubborn one, Leonardo. That’s never going to change, it seems.” It’s not admonishing, more like pride in her voice. From my sideways position on my male’s lap, I watch her wipe away a few stray tears as they fall. “He didn’t break my baby, and for that, I’m eternally grateful. She’s still just as pure-hearted and kind as the day she was born.”

“And how are you feeling, Maman?”

My mother takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, her smile dropping a bit. More of a grimace now. “Mostly tired, and still not fully convinced this isn’t just another dream, but if it is, I don’t want to wake up. Leaving you behind, and not fighting harder to stay by your side, will always be my greatest regret, Aya. I should’ve had Ninon take you out of the city and hide you from Larue, but my fear of the worst coming to fruition held me back. And now, after years of living with that pain, one of my tormentors is asking for forgiveness while my innocent daughter looks at me with love, not hate—and it’s overwhelming. I’m a little lost.”

“Then it’s a good thing you have all the time in the world to heal and make peace, Amelia. There’s no rush to leave my lands or an expiration date on absolving your father of the sins committed under a heavy glamor.” Leonardo’s stare is honest as he conveys what could be viewed as a command but done so out of love. No malice. There is no ulterior motive. “You, yourself, were a victim of that crime, so take your time and heal. Rest, eat…gather your strength, because my little queen needs you and so does our babe.”

“I think some time alone to gather your thoughts will help, Maman. You’ve spent so much time as a prisoner that you have no idea what you want.” Reluctantly, she nods at my assessment. “Why don’t you spend the next few days in this room resting? We’ll bring everything you could need up here, and I will come and visit in the evenings to reconnect. Slowly. Giving us a chance to catch our breaths while assimilating to this new reality.”

“I’d like that. I don’t want to be without you again.”

“You won’t be.” Tapping Leo’s thigh, I shift my head in her direction. Take me to her, my love. I’m going to hug her before we leave. In one swift move, he does as I ask, and I’m able to wrap my arms around my mother’s neck and kiss her forehead as she silently weeps in my hold. Her tears wet my top while mine fall, but I pay no mind to where they land, and she whispers low apologies over things that were never under her control.

Those responsible will pay.

For her. For me. For my unborn child.

They will never separate us again.



I’d like to put in a grievance to my male’s complaint department.

I’ve been lied to. There is no naughty fae list!

My king has failed to back up his threat, and I’m left wondering…

Did that punishment list vanish somehow? Did it ever truly exist?

Forever Yours,


“Is it comfortable? Can you see anything?” I ask Anaya, tweaking the satin sash covering her eyes, making sure the knot at the back is comfortable. The last thing I want is another headache for her; she’s been battling one on and off over the last few days, and while she claims it’s normal after using her healing ability, I’d rather not take any chances.

Moreover, I want today to be perfect. I want to spoil my little fae queen while pushing away our responsibilities, family problems, and the prisoner demanding her release after awakening in one of my heavily silvered confinement cells.

To Chiara’s detriment, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass over her displeasure or the need for a hot shower. Prison cells are meant to be uncomfortable; they’re not a spacious retreat. This isn’t a vacation destination with an all-inclusive buffet or liquor as an attraction amenity.

Her screams have fallen on no one’s ears as outside of meals, it’s just her and Lena. I haven’t visited or talked to either woman. Let them stew.

“I’m feeling great, Leonardo. So excited.”