Which means there are more dirty vampires.

“Get up, and breathe easy. I will not kill you today.” With shaky legs, Giulio stands while his king appraises him. He’s a lot calmer now, and so am I. “You will be demoted and under constant watch for a very long time, but you will appease me. You will get me every name involved, how they betrayed me, and report to Tero. He has a list of his own you will corroborate on; is that understood?”

“Yes, my king. Thank you, Your Majesties.”

“Then get to work. This pyre needs to be fed.”



“You’re the only thing I’ve done right in this world.”

Consciousness seeps in slowly, my memory of Maman becoming faint as my languid body picks up certain shifts in the air—while my lungs expand, taking in the scent of chocolate, spice, and lastly ash, the latter of which causes my ears to twitch and one eye to crack open, searching the room for the person responsible for this peculiar combination.

It hurts at first. The lighting is too bright and my eyes burn, causing me to whine and burrow deeper into my haven because these blankets are the plushiest and softest things I’ve ever owned.

A gift from Isabella in her latest shipment of clothing, buried at the bottom of the largest box, and I found it this morning before getting dressed to meet with Leo’s siblings. He laughed at the squeal I emitted and then gave a low snarl, grumbling over the gift not coming from him.

“Those noises are mine, precious one. Only my gifts can evoke those sexy fuck-me sounds.”

I’d smiled at that then, and now my lips twitch just the same.

“I know you’re awake, little fae.” His deep, rumbling voice comes from the end of the bed and I try to look over, testing the brightness for a second time. Now it’s a little better. Only stings a tiny bit, and I find my male sitting atop a high-back, ornate chair a few inches from the bedframe. His bare feet are up and his chest is on display, a few lingering drops of water from a shower clinging to his skin.

Why does he still smell like smoke after his shower?

His red hair seems mocha brown in its wet form, but a ray of light catches it at just the right angle, bringing forth a beautiful array of copper and deep auburn with touches of blond throughout. Then, that same lighting highlights his sharp jaw and the short beard my male’s been sporting since I woke up.

He truly is a fine specimen.

Tall and muscular and currently giving me a playful grin as I watch him through slightly narrowed eyes. “Ready to sit up, or should I crawl in and warm up?”

Leonardo’s giving me the opportunity here to demand space after our talk. I haven’t forgotten; I’m aware we have so much more to discuss—to plan for—but I also need him. The pain in my heart hasn’t ebbed, yet the kernel of hope and happiness at the knowledge I’ll be reunited with my maman is helping me rationalize the past.

None of this was or is my fault. Not hers either.

This is an opportunity many don’t get after losing a loved one. I’m aware and will appreciate it, work until I bleed to find her, and walking beside me through each step will be this wonderful man. The sole person who can settle my thoughts. Who gives me strength and feeds my need for love, and right now, every rampant emotion—my connection to him—cries out for his touch.

To lean on him. To not get caught up in the hurricane of emotions without a way to ground myself, because I didn’t ask for help. For a respite.

Because I didn’t voice just how deeply and completely I hunger for him.

“Come to me, my mate. I want to cuddle.”

“As you wish, my queen.” Standing, he pushes the chair back and lets a white towel drop before lifting the end of my soft blanket, exposing me to the cooler air. I shiver, rubbing my right foot over the back of my calf, but then he’s over me and I’m pinned—safe within my favorite place in the world.

Under him. Surrounded by him.

“Hi,” I say in a low whisper. “How long was I asleep?”

“Two days.”

“What the?—”

“Relax, love. You needed the rest.” Lowering his face to mine, I’m given a proper morning kiss. Slow and sweet, his mouth moves over mine a few times before his warm tongue flicks my bottom lip, a silent demand for entry I grant without pause. It’s tender how he explores and caresses while I savor his taste, our tongues intertwining without any sense of rush or worry about what’s happened.

I need this. Didn’t know how much until Leo’s naked body slips between my parted thighs, his thick cock lying atop my slick heat. He deepens the kiss then, his mouth dominating and taking while one large hand grips my left thigh and wraps it around his lower back.