I’m spoiled by his care. Grounded by his presence. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about my male and admire him for, it’s that his love language is overwhelming.
Honest. Pure. Devotion.
This time, the yank I give our bond is playful, a coquettish response from a woman so enamored with her mate. So thankful. I can’t explain how I’m doing it, physically manipulating the bond, but I’m enjoying the effect it has on him.
I see it and feel it.
His amusement and desire to claim me all over again, but he doesn’t. Not today.
Another way I respect him is how he puts my needs above his own. His cock is hard and throbbing, each pulse against my fabric-covered lower back sending ripples of pleasurable shocks to my system—I feel his need calling to me through the bond—but Leo holds back.
He rejects his instinct, the debased hunger, and continues to soothe me.
Tilting my head back against his chest, I take in his handsome face and find my male grinning at me, a cheeky smile I match while those blue eyes crinkle at the corners. I make him happy.
“I’ll hold you to that, Leonardo.”
“Good little fae.” My cheeks flush at that; I like his praise. Will never deny that. “Now tell me, Anaya. Why didn’t Queen Amelia ever try to escape with you?”
My smile drops, and his brows furrow at the abrupt change. “Who said she didn’t try?”
“So Ruben was being truthful? He said she ran with you, but I didn’t believe…” At his trail off, I nod, and his head tilts to the side. “Can you tell me everything that happened? Whatever you remember is important.”
Turning in his arms, I straddle his lap and place my forehead against his. Breathe in his every exhale while the man opens his mouth to speak, but a minute shake of the head stops him. “Let me answer your first half-dozen questions before you jump in and add another ten.”
“I’ll add that sass to my later list.”
“Please do.” Another deep breath and warmth spreads through me. His scent seems to have deepened even more. The cocoa and cloves—a rich spice and a bit earthy—settle over me like a thick blanket as I try to put together what memory I have of that age. Most of it is blurry at best. “I was young when this happened so I can’t tell you exactly how—my recollection of the day is limited at best—but servants talk, and I’ve heard plenty of stories throughout the years. Of the first time she tried and the last.”
“Not from your mother?” His expression is one of surprise.
“No. She would cut off any attempt on my part to leave after that day.” Something I’ve always wondered about but never could pinpoint the why until Maman spoke of my mate. She knew about him. Who he was. But more importantly, my mother trusted the male meant for me. “Your mate will be your peace. He will be everything you’ve ever dreamed of…sweet, caring, and will put you above all else. Including his hatred. His need for vengeance.” Swallowing hard, I repeat each word just as she’d said them. Low, yet assured. “That was part of the last conversation we had, and her sole focus the entire time was reassuring me that you existed. That you were going to save me from King Larue and his vicious plans for me.”
“Anaya.” Just my name, but the raw, unadulterated love comes shining through so clearly. Vast and humbling, his true feelings make me gasp, even if this isn’t the first time I’ve encountered them. I know he cares. That he loves me. Yet this is so much more than I could’ve hoped for: I’m his everything. “But when I met you?—”
“I’d been lost. Focused on running away before they could marry me off.” My truth. I’m a bit ashamed of how easily Larue manipulated me, but the one thing I’ll never do to Leo is lie. Not now. Not ever. “For a while after our last conversation where Maman explained about the dark faes—the penance they carry for using and manipulating black magic—I was hopeful. Happy. Even while warning me, how she tried to teach me about the fae court’s corruption, I couldn’t move past the way Mom spoke about you. She already loved and accepted you for me.”
“I hope one day you look back on this conversation with fondness and know how much I love you, my child. You’re the only thing I’ve done right in this world.”
“How did she know?”
Sitting back on his thighs, I shrug. “No clue, but I suspect she spoke to one of the few mages she still trusted or called in a favor.”
“A favor? From whom?”
“From a powerful witch.”
“Do you know who? Was it Silla?”
“No. That woman loathed my mother.” Hiding my anger and disgust for Larue’s sister is impossible. Every part of my being wishes to see her suffer, beg like my mother did whenever the horrid witch was displeased by her mere presence. “Silla hated her for no other reason than my maman was a royal, and her family was of a low ranking. Not that our queen cared; she accepted her mate and his family without hesitation. If anything, she loved Larue too much despite the horrid treatment.”
“There’s a reason for that, precious one.” Without realizing it, my eyes—which I didn’t realize were staring at the headboard behind him—snap to his. They’re wary. A bit sad, and I know whatever he’s about to unleash on me will hurt. “I’m sorry, Anaya.”
Nodding, I exhale roughly, my heart beating erratically. “Tell me.”
“Before I killed Ruben, he said a few things you need to know.” Leo’s hands on my back push me forward and keep me in place, his mouth slanting over mine. The kiss is soft. Just a few sweeps of his lips, an action that calms me, and the rigidness that had taken over me slips away. I melt for him. This is what she meant. He’s my center. My peace. “Better?”
“Yes.” And weirdly enough, I am. Maybe it’s the knowing that I’ll have answers to questions I’ve always asked myself. Maybe it’s the knowledge that no matter what, Leonardo will stand by my side.