He’s being given a second chance.
Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected.
A surprise visit from a loved one.
A warm hug just because.
Or maybe it’s meeting the man of my dreams at a time when I had nothing left to give.
It’s the sweetest gift. The true meaning of the word blessing. And it’s because of him that I’ve found my true purpose in life, the meaning of where I begin and now end—a prosperous life where all paths lead to this wonderful man that I’m proud to call mine.
My love. An amazing father. My king.
I cherish and vow to protect his heart as he does mine. I give freely and ask for nothing because true love has no boundaries, just honest devotion.
That’s how I feel about my Leonardo.
He’s everything to me. To our family.
“He’s so precious, Aya. The kid is going to steal the show at your ceremony,” Gabriella coos at her nephew, tickling his little toes as I slip his baby tuxedo pants over his diapered butt and then adjust the matching sash. The little man will be wearing a replica of his father’s outfit, down to the embroidered cloak with a hood and a bare chest underneath. “As his queen, who do you think will wear it better?”
“My son. Hands down.” It’s not even a contest. My son is going to steal the show at his parents’ binding ceremony. “I cannot wait to have them take a selfie.”
This original and his mini duo are my life.
Tanix Paolo Moore was born five months ago, kicking and screaming, and was without a doubt the cutest baby grump. His wrinkly face brought so much to our lands; both Fae and Wiccan rejoiced equally with the arrival of our new prince.
His aunts and uncles spoil him, too, just as we adore our niece and nephew, mini dictators that they are, like their fathers. Toddlers don’t mess around; I’ve seen and heard things, and I pray my Tanix will have mercy on my soul because the men in our family are the good cops in every scenario.
“They grow up too fast.” Isa holds out a finger for mon petit prince to grab and he does, wiggling around and giggling as three women fuss and ahh over every little thing he does. “But we’ll have more kids soon. All of us, in fact, so plenty of years to adore the little monarchs.”
“How soon, Isa?” Gabby asks before scooping up her daughter and kissing her soft cheeks. Beloved giggles at that, tiny fangs peaking through baby gums and she’s barely two. “Like I should be watching out for…?”
Her sister snorts and shrugs. “You’ll know. Chasing leads to pregnancy.”
“I’m not even going to ask.” For the fae, the full term of the pregnancy is longer than for other species. Our offspring need their mothers until the tenth month, and childbirth is always done naturally. No magic. No pain medication. It’s a ritual that’s carried over for generations and one of the few in the newly formed council, elected by the people, refuses to change at the behest of mothers.
The pain is intense, but worth it and it’s a badge of honor to all fae women.
Another change is the right to marry for love. No more bartering or political arrangements; matings will occur for bonded pairs unless a mate is chosen, not fated, and both parties are in love.
They don’t happen often, but love is love, and I want my people to have a choice. That if you’re abused, or have been wronged, a dissolution of a union is also available to all.
They have upgraded electrical grids for all, not just my family’s castle. They have internet and phones and access to a wealth of knowledge they never knew existed.
But more than that, both kingdoms—Wiccan and Fae—can travel between countries and packs or covens without the fear of persecution or prejudice. All are welcome. All are protected under a peace treaty signed by the rulers of the wolves, vampires, fae, and witches.
“You’ll know, but you can blame it on a little too much wine one night.” Rolling my eyes at her suggestively knowing look, I step back and head toward the master bathroom where my dress for the ceremony hangs behind the door.
No one has seen it.
I chose the satin floor-length slip dress after an outing to the werewolf kingdom. We’d walked into Isa’s favorite boutique, a she-wolf-owned store that I fell in love with immediately. It was open and warm, and every article of clothing was simply exquisite with its chosen textiles and patterns, the flattering shapes that complimented a woman’s body.