“What did she see?”

“The same thing your mate has come to realize, little brother,” Isabella’s voice cuts through, and my male’s head snaps in my direction to find me holding up my mobile with a connected call. Both Isa and Xadiel are in the camera shot, but where the vampire king is stoic, the alpha wolf grins. He gives us a nod but remains silent, his luna securely on his lap.

The two are more alike than they think. When it comes to their mates, they need constant contact and protect them viciously.

Just like Leo with me. He killed my brother for me.

“Are you angry with me, Anaya?” Leo asks after our last shower of the night. I’d been wrapped up in his embrace wearing nothing but a towel, my head tucked beneath his chin, knees weak after coming on his tongue that final round. “I’m sorry it came to that; I’d never want to cause you pain, but Ruben was a threat, one I couldn’t allow to live after what he did.”

“I’m not mad, my love.” And it’s the truth. There’s no mourning or pain at the knowledge that the man I grew up believing to be my kin is now dead. “Ruben was evil, Leo. His ending was just deserved.”

“You grew up with him.”

“He also made my life miserable.” Tipping my head back, I meet his soft blue eyes and smile. “Is it wrong that all I feel is relief? Utter and brilliant relief at knowing he will never hurt anyone again?”

“Not at all. You are entitled to every emotion, sweetheart.” Bending a bit at the waist, he brings our faces—mouths—to hover. To slide back and forth against the other’s lips as I breathe in his every exhale. “You survived. You gave every bit of who you are to take care of your people, your mother, while your father tore you down. I’m proud of you, Anaya.”

I’ve never had someone outside of my mother see me. Care so much about me.

A knot forms in my throat and a small sob slips, my chest feeling lighter than it has in years. Sometimes you don’t realize how starved for love you are until someone selflessly envelops you in warmth and affection.

“Thank you.”

“No tears, baby. Please.” With gentle hands, he cups my face and wipes them away with his thumbs. “Nothing cuts me more than this. All I want is your happiness and to give you back everything you’ve lost.”

The way he words it makes me pause, and my brows furrow; I feel as if there’s a deeper meaning to that declaration. “What do you?—”

“There’s so much I still need to explain, should’ve told about already, but the mating lust hasn’t released me yet. For that conversation, I need my faculties sharp, Anaya. Can you wait until tomorrow morning so I don’t butcher this?”


“Thank you.”

Understanding him isn’t difficult, especially after my moment of weakness—the raw emotions that come from finding your mate and finally marking them differ vastly. There’s lust, so much love through the fully formed ties that connect us, and interwoven within each emotion is a possessiveness that’s all-consuming.

The moment my fangs sunk into his cock, I experienced a flash of heat and hunger that overwhelmed me. It controlled me as I licked every inch of my king before I rode him and then presented my body for his free use.

I gave myself to him. All of me. And he loved me so thoroughly that the earlier bout of jealousy and those memories slipped away into a dark corner of my mind—until now.

“Her scent, Leo. That’s what we missed,” Isabella and I say in unison, causing the others to let out a low growl or hiss. Especially the man beside me; his chest rumbles while strong arms encircle my waist, pulling me back flush against a hard chest. He almost causes me to drop the phone and takes notice right away, slipping the device from my hand and tossing it to Theodore.

The vampire, whose red eyes are now narrowed, catches it and then swipes a finger over the screen. There’s something he searches for, and when he finds it and taps on the glass again, it begins to make a weird sound. It rattles and something clangs, but then I realize it’s the whir of a mechanical pulley system moving. To the left of us, there’s a wall covered by ruby-red drapes that begins to part, revealing a large screen underneath.

Leo’s other sister and her mate greet the four of us, and I’m confused for a second until Gabriella gives a small, indulgent clap. Her smile is wide. “I told you this would be perfect in here, Theo. A few modern touches here and there wouldn’t diminish?—”

“You are right as always, pretty girl.” Theodore kisses the side of her head, his lips moving but we can’t hear the rest of what he says. All we see is her reaction, and it isn’t innocent. Gabriella’s eyes turn a darker, richer shade of red while she fights to control her fangs from dropping. They still peak out. Just the very tips. There’s also a not-so-subtle shiver, and when I look back at Isabella on the screen, the werewolf luna simply winks at me and mouths, hi.

So it’s a giant phone screen on the wall? Behind me, Leo chuckles, a little of his protective anger dissipating. “You heard me?”

I did, and you’re bloody adorable, Anaya. Nothing is more precious in my world than you.


You are my everything. Then I’m given a quick nuzzle to my cheek before he stands to his full height, my body securely against his. He doesn’t so much as let me take a step forward and I’m okay with it, love how open this family is with affection between mates.

In the fae kingdom, that’s an abhorrent behavior unless it’s just to fuck.

As sexual creatures, men can take carnal pleasure without recrimination—we’re not prudish in the least—but that’s where it ends. Faes being insatiable lovers is one thing, taking multiple partners—male and female is praised—but not for love. To satiate, not to honor and cherish.