Page 31 of Wild Card

“He was. And then Remy found out and beat him to it.”

“Damn. He really is on a mission,” she mumbled. “I don’t like it—he usually gets what he wants.”

“That doesn’t sound like always, so I’ll take my chances.”

“Ugh, Henry looks pissed.”

A sigh. “I know.”

We stopped talking as we walked up to Henry and Davis.

Henry’s brow settled low on his forehead, changing his appearance more than I imagined any expression could. But his gaze wasn’t on me. It was on the hot pink fire hazard I had round the neck.

“What the fuck is wrong with that cretin?” Henry asked.

“Everyone asks, but no one seems to know,” I said. No one laughed. “He gets off on upsetting apple carts. Don’t let him get to you or it’ll get worse. Trust me.”

“It’s him I don’t trust.”

Jealous Henry was my new favorite Henry. I linked arms with him. “I mean it. His mouth might be unmanageable, but I am perfectly safe from the rest of him.”

Even staring at Henry, I considered Remy’s unmanageable mouth and the body parts I could use to shut him up with.

Calculating the many, many months it had been since I’d last had sex, I made it a point to remedy the grievance immediately. Ideally with the man on my arm.

Henry didn’t seem to believe me, but he let it go, taking the cursed prize so he could carry it for me like a gentleman.

With that, we were off to eat our way through the fair, leaving me glad I’d worn something without a waistband—I could eat all the shortcake and hot dogs I wanted. As convenient as the sundress was for my appetite, the downside was that it was a bit short to traipse around in on a breezy day. One of my hands hovered at my waist like a gunslinger, waiting for the wind to expose me to poor, unsuspecting children and elderly women.

I hadn’t even considered how I’d sit down, not until I was directed to the metal bleachers around the high school baseball field for the annual festival game. Carefully, and with both hands, I smoothed my skirt over my bottom and held down the hem as I sat so my bare pussy wouldn’t touch a public surface. It had been punished enough by Remy.

I wondered for a good long moment what it’d be like for Remy to really punish it. Really take it out on the poor girl.

And then I rolled my eyes at myself, deciding I needed therapy. Perhaps Jesus. Likely both.

Cass eyed me. “What’s with you?”

“Too many hot dogs.”

She elbowed me, leaning in. “Speaking of hot sausages, Henry was so jealous. Oh my God. File under: upsides to my cousin hitting on you.”

We laughed, glancing at Henry. He sat on the other side of Davis, who was on the other side of Cass. He was Apollo in the flesh, shining and golden like sunshine, with a perfect, smiling mouth framing perfect teeth on his perfect face.

“I think he’s going to make a move,” Cass said from behind a sheet of her auburn hair.

“Did he say something?” I whispered.

“No, but I can tell. Gut feeling.”

“I’ll die. Absolutely deceased.”

“Please don’t die. I need you.”

Another bout of laughter was interrupted by the loudspeaker announcing that the game was about to start.

We weren’t so far away from the field that we couldn’t see the players clearly as they warmed up, and I hated that I scanned them all for Remy’s face.

I found him on the far side of the field as he threw a ball to another player, his body like a whip. When the ball was off, he glanced at the stands. From beneath the shadow of his baseball cap, his gaze landed on me like a grand piano.