Page 121 of Cherish Me Forever

"Yes, of course," Paisley replied as she grabbed the train with only the tips of her fingers.

"You're doing great, Paisley. I love you. And even if you drop it or something, don't worry, okay?" I assured her.

"I won't drop it," she said with so much shock that I barely held back from laughing. She was also holding my bouquet.

"Okay then."

We descended the staircase carefully, and I lifted my dress so I didn't step on it. The hardwood floors were a bit slippery.

My entire body seemed to pulse, not just my heart. I couldn't believe this day had arrived already. Dom and I debated getting married at once, but I took a page out of Gran's book—there was something extra charming about summer weddings—and we settled on August. Our wedding planner had transformed the entire house beautifully.

There were white and pink roses everywhere, along with matching bows. The french windows in the living room were open, overlooking the yard. Guests circulated around the tent, and the chairs were arranged for the ceremony. After it was over, the staff would put them around the tables.

"Reese is here," someone said. I thought it sounded like Uncle Emmett, but it might have been Dad.

A few minutes later, Dad walked toward me, beaming from ear to ear. Paisley gave me my flowers.

"My darling girl. You look absolutely beautiful." He had tears in his eyes.

"Thanks, Dad. I’m so happy you flew here."

"Obviously! I made it a point not to miss my girls' weddings, and by girls, I mean your gran too."

I chuckled as he gave me his arm.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"To give away my daughter? No. I don’t think any dad is ever ready for that."

"Uncle Harvey, that's not what you're supposed to say. You're supposed to say yes and wish her all the best," Paisley said in the bossiest voice I'd ever heard her use.

Dad looked over his shoulder. "Right you are, Paisley."

He glanced back at me. "Shall we?"

I nodded.

As the music started playing, I carefully put one foot in front of the other. The guests had all gathered at the side of the tent, making a tunnel of sorts for us. As soon as we stepped inside, everyone was in a flurry, moving to their seats. I took in a deep breath, trying not to see the mayhem around us.

My eyes locked on Dom's. He was waiting for me in front with the officiant.

Emotions bubbled up inside me. I could barely keep the tears at bay. I was determined not to break eye contact, but I had to because I needed to watch my step. There was a real risk that I'd step on my dress if I didn't pay attention, since I couldn't lift my dress now that I had to hold my flowers too.

I looked up again when we were only a few feet away from Dom. I'd never tire of watching those gorgeous eyes drinking me in. Fate found me a man who would love me forever. After everything I’d gone through, I couldn’t believe that I was so lucky to have this man in my life.

"Dom," Dad said in a gruff voice, "you're a very lucky man, and I'm a very lucky father to have you as a son-in-law. Take good care of my girl and make her happy."

"I'll do my best, sir," he said.

Dom and I took our positions side by side.

Glancing over my shoulder, I watched Paisley arrange the bottom of my train on the floor the way Aunt Lena had instructed her to do. I wanted to pull her into a huge hug. She'd done so well. I gave her my flowers and taking a deep breath, I turned, looking at the officiant. Dom took both of my hands in his.

"Are we allowed to do this?" I was so besotted with him that I couldn’t remember the dos and don’ts of weddings.

He grinned. "We’ve always done things our way."

The officiant started reciting why we were gathered here today. Dom interlaced our fingers, and I squeezed them very firmly.