“Oh, nothing,” I say, my elated mood crashing again. At this rate, I’m going to get whiplash by the time the night is over.
“Sky gave her number to some guy, but he never called her,” Daria says. “So Elaine gave himhernumber, and I guess he didn’t lose that one.” She laughs, and I want to punch her for her unwanted helpfulness in explaining the situation. No one says anything for a minute while I’m busy wishing I were dead.
“Well,” Chase says at last, “there’s no accounting for taste.”
There’s a soft tapping on the door, and Lindsey’s mom sticks her head in. She looks at us, and then Chase. “Oh, hello, Chase. I didn’t realize you were here.”
He gives her his most winning smile. “I just stopped by for a minute to see if I could help out with the packing.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you,” she says, with a sweet smile that looks exactly like Lindsey’s.
“I thought so too,” he says. “Anyway, I was just leaving in a few minutes. Unless you need any help.”
“Oh, no, we’re fine,” she says, then stops to gape. “What on earth happened to your nails?”
Chase just beams wider and wiggles his toes. “You see, Blaise, your daughter wanted me to get in touch with my feminine side.”
Blaise does not seem amused. Her face struggles to maintain composure, but a small frown of disapproval peeks through.
“Hmph,” she mutters. “I say, let men be men and ladies be ladies. But what do I know? This generation thinks it’ll redefine the whole world.”
“Just the messed up parts,” Daria says.
“Just don’t let your father see that,” Blaise says to Chase. “Anyway, I just wanted to say goodnight to the girls. Do you need anything before I turn in, sweetie?”
“We’ll be fine, Mom,” Lindsey says, standing to hug her mother. “Sleep well.”
“Thank you, darling. I’ve asked Beth to bring your friends a snack in a bit. Just remember your metabolism is slowest at night. And make sure Chase gets home at a decent hour.”
Lindsey says, “yes, Mom,” at the same instant Chase says, “yes, ma’am.” They smile sweetly at each other, and Lindsey and her mom smile sweetly at each other. I’ve never seen anything so contrived. It is truly gag-inducing.
“Goodnight sweetie,” Blaise says, giving Lindsey a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”
“Goodnight, Mommy. I love you, too,” Lindsey says.
When she’s gone, I shake my head. “Wow, your mom is really gullible.”
Lindsey covers her mouth to stifle a giggle. “I know, right? Isn’t it great?”
“Yeah,” I say, since my mom would never in a million years let a boy stay after she went to bed. She’s never even let me have a boy over except to study.
“Blaise is wrapped around her little finger,” Chase says. “And what can I say? Moms love me.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
He’s the only boy my mom has ever let come over. But then, I guess she’s a little biased against Todd after the whole sleeping on the couch incident.
“I’m going to go get the snack tray,” Lindsey says, getting up to leave.
“I can’t believe you got us to have an actual pillow fight,” Daria says to Chase, standing in front of the mirror to straighten herself and perfect her hair.
“That was kinda fun,” I say, still lying on the bed. “I’ve never had a pillow fight before. Hey, what was that music?”
“Oh, the music snob liked it, did she?” Chase asks, propping himself up on an elbow and grinning at me.
“Maybe. It was kinda fun. And I’m not a music snob. I just happen to like nineties music. That doesn’t make me a snob. Just…particular.”
Chase laughs. “But wasn’t it just so devoid of meaning? So empty?”