“We were just wondering if you were waiting for one of us to get stuck under the bed,” Daria says, grinning.

“One of you?” he asks. “Where’s the fun in that? I was thinking all four of you.”

Lindsey looks as lost as I am, and a little annoyed, so I clear my throat and open the nail polish caddy. “Who first?”

“Obviously Chase,” Daria says. “We have to pop his cherry.”

“You’re a little late for that,” he says. “Though I think there’s one left in the room that needs popping.”

He winks at me, and I want to die.

“Chase,” Lindsey hisses, swatting his arm.

“Come on, pretty boy, stop stalling and get those dogs out of the water,” Daria says. “I’m going to paint them baby pink.”

After a little moaning and protesting, Chase takes his feet out of the bath and sticks them up. He’s grinning from ear to ear, though, so it sort of negates his arguments.

“Alright, ladies,” he says. “Make me your equal.”

I take one of Chase’s feet and gingerly dry it off.

He laughs, seeing my expression. “Ah, come on, don’t make that face. I could make you smell my shoe.”

“I’ll pass,” I say. “In fact, they smell pretty rosy right now.”

The foot soak is rose scented, and his feet are much improved from their linty state before, so I try to keep my expressions of distaste to myself. His are pretty inoffensive as far as feet go.

Elaine cuts and files his fingernails while Daria and I sit on the floor at his feet. He relaxes back on the bed while we clip, file, and polish. It’s bizarre to see his feet all prettied up with polish and pink polka-dot toe separators, and yet still big and manly.

Meanwhile, Lindsey has gotten her phone and is snapping pictures. Chase protests this at first too, but then he gives in and poses like he’s a king getting pampered by the royal court. Lindsey turns on some music, and Daria and I massage Chase’s feet while Elaine paints Lindsey’s toes.

Despite my distaste for feet in general, touching Chase with permission like this, rubbing lotion into his feet, makes my breath come shorter. Despite the three other girls in the room, it feels somehow intimate. When our gazes lock, heat crackles up my arms, and tingles spread through my whole body, and I have to drop my eyes, my heart hammering. My fingers move more slowly, and I can’t even look at him. Am I developing a foot fetish?

Maybe I need therapy after all.


Now Playing:

“Asking For It”—Hole

“Damn that feels good,” Chase says, looking from me to Daria. “No wonder y’all like these things so much.”

“Oh, I better get equal service in return,” Daria says, sliding a cascade of shining dark hair over her shoulder. “I only give when I know I’m gonna get it back.”

She looks up at Chase with an expression I’ve never seen on her face before, but I’m not naïve enough to miss that it’s a look of pure, smoldering seduction. If I were a guy, I’d be on my knees begging for mercy in the face of that look. Daria is always sexy, but I’ve never seen her turn it up intentionally before, and it’s a force to be reckoned with.

I’m so captivated by Daria’s lethal level of sex appeal that I miss Chase’s initial reaction. I only catch his affected gesture, as he puts his hand over his heart and says, “Oh, make it stop! I can’t take it anymore!”

He pulls his feet away from us, and Daria screams with laughter, literally rolling on the floor.

“You should have seen your face! Ohmigod, I’m totally gonna have to do that again!” She’s so busy howling with laughter she doesn’t notice the foot bath until she’s knocked it over. Warm water cascades onto the carpet and my jeans.

“Daria, what the hell?” I snap, righting the bath before it’s completely empty. “I’m freaking soaked.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Chase says, his eyes positively dancing with naughtiness.

Heat rushes to my face, but I ignore it and stand to look down at the stain soaking my jeans. It looks like I wet my pants. For the second time in an hour, I want to disappear and never come back.