“I love you, Mom.” That’s all I can tell her. Lying won’t bring him back. Noting will, and I hug her tight, following her down to the ground as we cry. Her pain is mine. Our tears can’t be stopped.
For my father.
For her husband.
For Lionel, that’s not here and we can only pray he’s truly okay and this nightmare doesn’t land another blow. Because our lives will never be the same again. Nothing ever will be.
Watching her cry over her brother’s ICU bed is heartbreaking.
It took a few days, but he’s been transferred to a hospital in Coral Gables and is under the constant monitor of an old family friend, to both the Armas and Royce family. He’s the chief physician there, has assured us he’ll receive the best care, but it’s an endless waiting game and I’m not sure how much more than rebel can take.
Her sobs haunt me. The way she three herself on his bed and begged him to wake up is something I will ever forget, and while her pain is the cause, my wrath is the effect.
I’ve been patient.
Waiting and holding back so I can take care of her, but no more.
Rodolfo Diaz is a dead man walking. He has until after the funeral before I strike.
It’s been a week now since her father’s death and Lionel hasn’t woken up. We’re told it’s just his body giving itself the time it needs to recuperate, but we can no longer wait to bury Joaquin.
The decision is out of my hands, no matter how much I’d like to make this all go away for rebel. There’s nothing anyone can do as we stand in front of his closed casket, something his wife insisted on—she can’t face to see him like this—as loved ones and friends gently toss sunflowers atop the casket before it’s buried. One by one, his closest come to pay their respects before turning and giving their condolences to both Celia and my Liliana.
Neither of the two manages to utter more than a tear-filled thank you, but everyone understands, and I do what I can to take care of them both. Her grief guts me, but I know one day it will all be okay.
With time, she’ll get passed this too.
The lies. The hurt. The truth.
“Don’t leave me, Micah.” Rebel’s words are low and her voice is raw. Those beautiful eyes that I love so much are red-rimmed and her sadness reaches out to me, lashing at the heart inside my chest that beats only for her. Everything I do is for her. “Need you.”
Yet nothing destroys a man more than to watch the woman he loves suffering. Her pain is mine and it’s so deeply rooted into my marrow that I physically ache—my chest constricts at the sight of her tear tracks and splotchy skin, the sleep deprivation no amount of makeup can hide.
She’s questioning the mortality of everyone around her.
She’s lost herself in this deep cycle of anguish.
I worry about her and how she’ll deal with the anger that will follow.
I’ll happily hunt and then force our enemies to kneel while presenting her the honor of the kill. She can slit their throat while I sit back and call her my perfect, good girl.
“I’ll always be here, Liliana. For the rest of our lives.”
* * *
Rebel’sfinally sleeping after a rough afternoon, body wrapped in soft blankets while I lay beside her on the bed. We’re back at my building, the penthouse she now calls home because she refused to go anywhere but where I am, and our families understood. Celia’s with my parents and will visit her son later tonight, but she also needed some rest.
Rest we encouraged via a sleeping pill our family doctor prescribed.
“I’ve got you, rebel. I’ll kill them all in your name, love.”