“And why is that?”
“Didn’t he tell you? They left this morning for Tallahassee.”
Watching her in her element is the definition of sexual foreplay.
This beautiful girl with those big doe eyes and plump lips is staring at the screens before her, teeth digging into her bottom lip as she concentrates. It’s been that way for a while now. She reads something that makes her brows pinch tight and then types a command using the Bluetooth keyboard before tilting her head to the side and then starting all over again.
Moreover, I have the urge to walk over and kiss her forehead and then lips.
Eat her pussy until she explodes on my tongue and then put her to bed.
“She’s utterly delectable,” I groan low but my little rebel doesn’t so much as twitch. If anything, she purses her lips and then moves to another large CPU a few feet from us, tugging one of her large stands with the monitor and plugging it into the front port. “I could help you with that, Liliana.”
“No need.” That’s it. I’m dismissed and if I didn’t find everything about her adorable, I’d be offended. Then, there’s the maddening way what she’s wearing affects me. Plain black tights, a sweatshirt with her school’s logo in the front, and Nike’s on her feet. Simple. Comfortable. Downright sinful while the dark waves I want to run my fingers through are in a messy top knot, I have no idea how she’s keeping in place with a pen. “But Icoulduse a coffee.”
I’m hard. Balls swollen. But the most frustrating thing is how little attention she’s paying me.
Rebel’s lost in her work, her eyes skimming through the lines of codes, running between two large monitors she’s attached to stands. When she first brought them in, I’d been unsure of them, but I saw the use after wheeling the mobile units into the room before stepping aside so she could attach her cords.
The servers for my company are on the ground floor near the back end of the building and she needed to be close while running her security check. It’s silent in the room outside of the sound of built-in fans whirling to keep the equipment cool.
That’s all I’ve been allowed to do, now I watch and admire.
“Is that so?” I arch a brow at her disregard, and then take in the small quirk of those plump lips into a cute grin. “I’ve been relegated to assistant duties?”
“Not necessarily.” This time the grin becomes a smirk while the process starts all over again as she plugs in a couple of commands then watches the sequence without moving. We’re almost done with all the units in this room, having gone through them one by one, and when I asked her why she didn’t use the administrative system, she rolled her eyes before answering.So they know I’m on to them? Your team is good, Micah, and I’m not about making things easier for those crooked fuckers.“But maybe one of the guards is a barista in his off time and he can help curve my craving at…” Rebel looks down at her smartwatch, her eyes widening “…two in the morning! No wonder I’m starting to crash a bit.”
“We can stop if you want. You’ve done a lot already.” The firm set of her jaw told me she didn’t agree with my suggestion, much like I’ll never let anyone take care of her needs. It’s my job to meet all of her wishes, even if it’s something as simple as a cup of coffee. “Fine. I’ll be back in a few minutes with your addiction. Don’t leave this room.”
“Thank you, Micah.” Leaving her equipment, she takes the few steps separating us and gives a tiny jump to kiss my chin. “You’re the best.”
“I know.” Leaving her to it, I tap one of the machines before walking out of the room. Ligo and Isaac are standing in the lobby while a few of my most trusted have set up posts around the building. No one is allowed in or out without my consent. Every company employee has been sent home, though, and that includes the night shift security staff.
I want no one aware of what she’s doing. Let the rats stew in his filth.
Most were happy about this, but I noticed the reaction of a few who seemed perturbed.
The IT department had scheduled maintenance for tonight, but I forced them to cancel.
No reason was given. No heads up.
But it’s Jeremy’s face that stood out the most. That, and the older male who came with him under the pretense of delivering an unscheduled presentation, the latter of which dragged an ancient rolling cart with everything needed for this pitch.
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Royce,” Jeremy steps into my office, taking a seat across from me after I wave him in. He’s an average man. Nothing special about his lanky build or face and the employee accompanying him is no different.
Both are standing just inside the threshold, looking behind them every few seconds as if searching for something. Or someone.
“Take a seat, please.” My eyes shift to the other man, whom I don’t recall ever seeing before. Nor was he invited to this meeting. “And you are?”
“Ummm…” he swallows hard while Jeremy taps his thigh in a nervous manner. “Sorry, sir. I’m Jessie—”
“Jessie what?”
“Jessie Dunlap.”