“No?” She ignores my praise but tilts her head to the side. Blushing a little, too. “Why?”
“Because I’m not walking into that dining room without you.”
* * *
This isn’tmy first dinner at the Armas home and I groan, sitting back while taking a deep pull from my beer bottle; a Cuban lager with a crisp and mildly sweet notes. It’s always been a popular stock item in their fridge, and even my family has been known to order a couple of cases at a time from the ‘hook up’ Joaquin has on the island.
As mayor, he moves inconspicuously through the city. More so through the large and not always monitored ports.
“So what’s next on the agenda, Mom?” Liliana asks, forking her final piece of sweet plantain before popping it into her plump mouth. She shews and swallows, licking her bottom lip before raising a brow at Celia. “Are you staying for the children’s hospital gala or…”
“Not this year, Mamita. I’m heading to the Keys in two days. Martica wants to—”
“You’re leaving again?” Joaquin interrupts while pushing his own plate away, face pinched tight. “Jesus, Celia. You just got home.”
“What home, Joaquin?” She snorts. “My condo?”
“This is your home and you know it.”
“The divorce papers we signed say otherwise.”
“Woman, you will send me to an early grave with your stubbornness.”
“Remember your children are present,” Lionel says then, pushing his chair back to stand, but they’re tuning him out while whispering back and forth. There are a few words here and there we all pick up on,old foolandpampered foxamong them—my rebel rolls her eyes while Beatrice fights back a grin. This is their song and dance and she chooses to let them do their thing. To be honest, I find them amusing if nothing else, and eventually the two stubborn fools will end up together again which will please my future wife. “I need another beer. Micah?”
Holding mine up, I shake my head at Lionel. “I’m good.”
“Be right back then.”
“I could use more wine, son,” Celia calls out, but Lionel’s already exited the room and she soon gets up to follow. This makes her husband grumble something under his breath, but he’s quick to change direction. Now, he speaking to Beatrice and Liliana, but it’s my rebel who holds my attention.
She’s sitting to my right and rubbing her thigh, fingertips running up and down the length until reaching her knee and starting all over again. Their smooth and tan, flawless skin that I want to bite—brand with my teeth—before licking the abused flesh on my way to her clit. My mouth waters and their conversation becomes background noise, my grip tightening around the bottle in my hand as she giggles at something and the action causes her body to shift.
There’s a little shimmy before she crosses one leg over the other while those lovely tits bounce.Fuck, I want to touch her. Claim her.
You don’t break your promises. She needs this time.
“…so what do you think, Lili? Want to help your old man for a few months out on the trail?” Joaquin’s words pull me out of my thoughts and I snap my eyes to him. He’s looking at her, a big smile on his face. “It’d be just like old times.”
Celia chooses that moment to re-enter; one hand holds a topped glass and the other a new bottle. She speaks up before I do. “What trail? Are you planning to campaign across the US for another run at being the mayor of Miami?”
“Of course not.” Liliana’s father gives her a mock glare, yet he’s quick to stand and help, taking both items out of Celia’s hands before placing them atop the table. Then he retakes his seat, scooting just a little closer to his ex while shifting his attention back to his mildly amused daughter. “Think about it, kiddo. We can be the dream team one more time…at least until I run for state representative. Then we’d be—”
“Dad, I have responsibilities I can’t ignore.”
“She has a job and school, Joaquin.”
“No.” Three people speak in unison then—Celia, Liliana, and me—but it’s my resoundingnothat shuts down any rebuttal. Years ago when I came to him as a man, I’d been honest and direct. I’d acquiesce to giving her space to grow and bloom and pursue what-ever-the-fuck makes her happy, but this isn’t what she wants. This is another instance where he forgets to think less like a politician and more like a father. Where his ex-wife glares at him while the son he’s groomed to follow in his footsteps opens his mouth to argue, but then quiets when I hold a single hand up. “She’s not available, Joaquin, and you know this.”
“Micah, it’d be only for a few months. Surely, you can survive without her making your coffee for a little bit.”
Silence fills the space at his idiotic remark, belittling everything his amazing daughter does for my company, and I lean forward. Narrowed eyes on his while I lay a palm flat against the table. “Choose your next words wisely, Armas. Liliana is indispensable in my life and you know it.”
“You know I didn’t mean it in a bad way, Micah. But I’m her father, and I need—"
“And I’m right here you know.” Her slightly irritated voice cuts through the tension, and I sit back, relaxing at the feel of her hand settling on my tense arm and giving it a squeeze. If rebel’s aware of the intimate touch and her effect on me, I have no clue, but it’s enough to keep me in my seat and not across the table to wrap my hand around her father’s throat.
“Lili, I know school’s important and so is your job, but couldn’t you—”