Ruby giggles, my earlier prediction that my siblings would want to know more about our relationship coming true.

I get it, though. I can’t remember the last time any of my siblings saw me with a woman at my side, platonic or otherwise. Most of my friends are guys, and the few women I’ve spent my time with are definitely not meeting my family.

The curiosity on Bells’ face is warranted.

Though not entirely appreciated.

“Well, Boyd and I aren’t really friends,” she answers. “We just met. Today, actually, on the plane, and it’s just a coincidence that I ended up being here in Cedar Point.”

“Sounds like he’s trying to make you a booty call, not a friend,” Bishop says, giving her a wink right before he winces from where Bellamy slaps him on the back of the head.

“Rude, much?” she says, completely unapologetic as Bishop rubs at the spot she smacked. “Sorry about that. I can promise you the being an asshole thing isn’t genetic.”

Ruby waves them off. “I’m not worried. Besides, if Boyd had any intention of getting a booty call tonight, he is sorely out of luck because this girl didn’t shave her legs.”

She winks at me then takes a sip of her drink as Bellamy laughs and Bishop grins at her.

She figured out how to play along with the twins quickly; I can give her that.

“So, you said you met Boyd on the plane?” Bishop asks, taking a sip from his beer as Ruby nods. “How’d that happen? I’ve known Boyd my entire life, and I can assure you he isn’t the type to chitchat with strangers.”

Ruby lets out a peal of laughter, setting her drink down on the railing before covering her face with her hands.

“Oh my gosh, you guys. I feel so bad about it.”

She focuses all of her attention on Bellamy and Bishop, like I’m not even here. Maybe some guys wouldn’t appreciate it or would feel neglected or ignored. Not me. I just lean back against the railing and sip at my beer, watching this bombshell as her energy ricochets slowly through my family.

It’s a sight to behold.

“Here I am, first time flying in my whole life, and I just keep rambling on and asking him questions even though he’s clearly not into talking to me.” She shakes her head. “You’d think I would have caught on at some point, but I guess this mouth has a problem staying shut because I just kept going.”

Ruby finally looks at me, a little bit of endearment in her eyes.

“He put up with me, even indulged my desire to chat and helped distract me from my fear of flying.”

“You act like you seriously put me out,” I finally interject, realizing I can’t let her go on any longer thinking I just indulged her on that flight. “My siblings can attest to the fact that I would not have talked to you if I didn’t want to.”

“Truth!” Bellamy says.

“Truer words have never been spoken.” Bishop leans forward. “Boyd has no problems being an asshole if it means people will leave him the fuck alone.”

“That’s a little harsh,” I say, rubbing at my chest with my free hand as if his words wounded me.

They didn’t. They’re pretty accurate, but he doesn’t need to be a total prick about it.

“So, we talked for a while until I fell asleep for the second half of the flight. He gave me his number, and we realized later that we were just a few houses away from each other.”

Her story glosses over the fact that I left her on the plane without saying goodbye, and I don’t know if she’s doing that for her or for me. Either way, I appreciate it. Something about having just left her behind doesn’t sit well with me anymore, and I’m glad I don’t have to face my siblings’ criticism.

Because they always have something snarky to say.

“It sounds like something out of a movie,” Bellamy says. “Are you sure Boyd didn’t hire you to pretend to be his girlfriend because he’s too stubborn to admit he’s a lonely old man who doesn’t have anyone to bring home?”

Ruby lets out an awkward giggle and shakes her head. “That is definitely not what happened.”

I cross my arms and purse my lips, though Bellamy waves off my glare like it means nothing.

“Don’t give me that face. You know I’m kidding.” She pauses. “About the fake girlfriend part, not the lonely old man part.”