Before I even know what’s happening, he’s stepped forward and slipped a hand around the back of my neck, pulling me forward so he can plant a kiss on my lips.

It’s chaste. Soft. So delicious I wonder if I might be dehydrated from all that time in the sun because damn if I don’t feel a little dizzy when he pulls back and looks at me

I wonder what he sees as I sit here, dirt and sweat covering so much of me, my body emitting that smell that comes along with too much time in the hot sun.

Whatever it is, it must work for him, because he places his lips back against mine for another kiss. And then another and another, first sucking on my top lip and then the bottom.

I can feel his kisses in my toes, along every single inch of skin he’s touching with his work-roughened hands, in the warm space between my legs.

When he pulls back and looks at me again, I feel a thrilling little shiver race along my spine as I see how heated his eyes are.

“Let’s get you home,” he says, finally moving back and closing my door, rounding the front to the driver’s side.

The ride back to the guesthouse is a loud mess of silence. All I can hear is the sound of his breaths and the beating of my heart in my ears.

When was the last time I was kissed like that?

Like it was just as much simple as it was spectacular?

Like it was the only thing that mattered?

If it’s ever happened before, I certainly can’t pinpoint when it was, none of the boys I’ve kissed before popping into my mind.

“We’re here.”

Boyd’s voice cuts through my internal musings, and I look out the window to see that we have, indeed, pulled up in front of Ken’s house.

“Thanks for your help today. It made a big difference.”

I blush and wave a hand at him. “I hardly did anything.”

“You did, though. You really were helpful, and I know it meant a lot to Andy to have us there.”

I grin at him, wishing I could sit and stare at him for a little longer instead of going back into the guesthouse where I’ll be all alone.

Sure, I need to shower, but that only takes 15 minutes. If Boyd’s dropping me off now, I probably won’t see him until later tonight when we go to Forks for the bonfire.

I still don’t know what a Forks is, but I figure it will be more fun if I’m surprised later.

“Bellamy said she was commandeering my afternoon,” I say, referring to a text I received from her while we were at One Stop letting me know she’d be coming over around 4. “But I’m assuming I’ll see you at the bonfire tonight?”

He flashes me a grin that has that same feeling rushing through me and makes me wish, not for the first time, that I could just drag him into my little house and have my way with him.

“You will definitely be seeing me tonight,” he says.

I slip out of the truck and give him a wave before walking down the path to my door.

And if I happen to sway my hips a little bit more in the hopes that Boyd’s watching?

Well, that’ll be our little secret.

* * *

“Bitch, this place is gorgeous.”

Bellamy slips off her shoes and wanders around, taking a look at everything she can see, even poking her head in the bathroom before she looks at me with wide eyes.

“I haven’t seen it since Linda redid everything a few years ago. It’s amazing. They must rent this place out for a fortune.”