Page 48 of Forced Union

“I already have. Just a bit on some random pieces.” I’m sure my grin takes on a wolfish quality. “Like you said, we should bid on something.”

Pink blooms on her cheeks “I-I obviously meant you. You should bid, for the sake of the charity part.”

“Uh-huh.” My smirk widens and her flush deepens.

A throat clearing nearby draws our attention. Connor fucking Bane swaggers up to us and I’m tempted to punch his pretty boy face just for kicks. Unfortunately, three of his brothers appear behind him as backup. Another one circles around to the side.

How many fucking brothers does this guy have?

I can tell they’re Banes because they all have that irritating aristocratic look about them—like they think they’re better than us common folk. Fuck them. Let my brass knuckles at their faces and they won’t be so high and mighty anymore. These fuckers could use a few scars.

Arianna squeezes my arm in warning, as if she can read my thoughts. “Hello, Connor,” she says, her tone polite.

“Arianna.” He bows his head, then his gaze snaps to mine. “You’re going to regret ever laying a hand on me, Kozlov. We’ll make sure of that.”

I jerk toward him, just to see what he’ll do, and he fucking blinks. What a pussy.

“Any time, Bane. You just come on down to Riot and get inside that cage, and I’ll knock your ass out—again.” Honestly, I should have finished him off the night he tried to steal Arianna away from me, then I wouldn’t have to deal with his shit. I knew he wasn’t about to let it go. Though even if I had killed him, then his brothers would be on my ass. The situation is fucked.

“Listen here, you Russian piece of?—”

“Is there a problem, gentleman,” Roman drawls as he approaches.

Blake Baron comes up beside him. Lifting his head, he sniffs. “I smell something nasty. Do you smell that? I can’t quite place it, but I think it starts with a B…” He snaps his fingers. “Bane. That’s it. That’s the stench. Multiple Banes, no wonder it smells so awful in here.” Blake sneers.

All four Bane brothers glare at him in unison. It’s fucking comical.

Connor points to me, backing away. “I’m coming for you. Watch your back, Kozlov.”

I shrug, which further pisses him off.

Arianna angles toward me. “Thank you for not starting a fight in here. I appreciate it.”

“I guess that would be inappropriate, huh, kisa?” I gaze down at her, amused by how uncivilized she thinks I am. Though she’s mostly right. But I don’t want to ruin our nice evening out by spraying Connor fucking Bane’s blood all over the place.

“Kisa?” Blake Baron raises a blond brow. He glances at me and chuckles. “I figured you had to be pussy-whipped when you called in your favor.” Snorting, he saunters off with Roman at his side. Arrogant prick.

“What favor?” Arianna asks, looking up at me.

I hold back a groan. “Blake Baron and Roman De Luca both owed me a favor for something I helped them with once. I called it in when Roman threatened me for… taking you. He and Baron were going to intervene, but my favor was for them to stand back and do nothing. They had no choice but to either agree or break their word.”

“Ah. So that’s why they haven’t murdered you and rescued me. Totally makes sense now.”

I chuckle. “Doesn’t it though?”

Taking a chance, I loop my arm around her waist and pull her closer. She briefly stiffens before melting against my side. I’ve never cared for public displays of affection, but with Arianna, I want everyone to know she’s mine.

I pull out my phone and check the bidding app again. The necklace is at six million dollars, and I add another five-hundred thousand to that number.

As I’m about to pocket my phone again, it vibrates with an incoming call from Maks. I swipe to answer.

“Maks, what’s?—”

“It’s not looking good out here, Pakhan. Two vans just pulled around back and they look shady as fuck. Get the hell out of there. I’m picking you up at the side entrance ASAP.”

Ending the call, I grab Arianna’s arm, and start walking toward the exit. “We’re leaving. Right now.”

“What’s going on?” She jogs to keep up with my long strides.