Page 38 of Forced Union

Sophia and Ravenna both send me sympathetic glances. Maybe Dimitri really is that petty.

Ginevra wistfully sighs. “I can’t wait to get kidnapped and fall in love.”

“I’m not falling in love,” I snap. “Be careful what you wish for, Gin, it just might come true.”

My youngest sister rolls her eyes at me. “Well, as romantic as it would be, I don’t think it’s going to happen. I met someone. His name’s Oliver. He’s a real sweetheart. I might fall for him.”

Putting my own drama on the back burner for a while, I catch up on my sisters and cousin’s lives. Gin seems serious about this man she’s seeing and I hope she doesn’t get herself into trouble. She views the world in such a positive light that I’m afraid one day it’s going to tear her apart—and she won’t see it coming.

I share a weighted glance with Sophia and she dips her chin, acknowledging my silent plea to have Roman look into this Oliver guy. I need to know that my sister’s safe.

“You can come back for me at five o’clock, there’s no need for you to hang around here all that time, Maks.”

He shuts off the engine and shifts in his seat. “I’m not just your driver, I’m also your bodyguard, so wherever you go, I go too.”

I sigh, tired of arguing with him about this. “Fine. Let’s go in before I’m late for work.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gives a curt nod and a smile. I swear he’s as stubborn as his boss.

We exit the car, and Maks hands the keys to the valet, while I jog up the marble steps, then make my way to Tarina’s office. She’s waiting there for me along with two other women and a man. The rest of the event planning team, who I’ve only interacted with via email.

“Good, we’re all here.” Tarina claps her hands together and stands. “Today we’re finalizing the layout, catering needs, and decor for every single room as well as the grounds. Let’s get to it.”

Maks shadows me as I walk around Leonidas with the rest of my team members, Ben, Charlotte, and Shantel. I had no idea this venue had this many rooms, it’s massive.

After the first twenty minutes or so, I lose myself in the planning process. While we each have different responsibilities, it’s good to see the big picture and how it’ll come together for New Year’s Eve.

Tarina has tasked me with the ice sculptures, of which there will be several, and the plethora of floral arrangements. Leonidas is certainly going to live up to its reputation of hosting elaborate, over the top celebrations. And I’ll be one of the people to make it happen.

By the time we break for lunch, I’m giddy. This is exactly what a dream job should feel like—inspiring, challenging, and oh so rewarding.

I glance around the private room where we’re having a catered lunch. Ben and Charlotte sit close, heads bowed in conversation. Shantel eats quietly by herself, scrolling through her phone. I notice that Maks is missing. Did he finally get bored and go back to the car? If he did, I can only assume that he realizes how safe I am at this private club where access is extremely limited.

“Are you overwhelmed yet?” Tarina asks, sitting beside me.

“Not at all.”

She smiles. “Then perhaps I did underestimate you in the beginning. You’ve certainly been on top of everything I’ve sent you so far.”

“That’s my job.” My chest fills with satisfaction. Impressing Tarina could lead to a full-time position at Leonidas, which I desperately want.

We spend the rest of the afternoon in the brisk autumn outdoors, going over the plans for the terraced garden, fireworks display, and basically the total transformation of the grounds.

Once we’re back inside, Tarina dismisses us. “You all have your tasks, let’s see some real progress this week. We will meet here every Monday going forward to review and make sure we’re on schedule. Have a good evening.”

Armed with vendor contact information and specifications, I’m looking forward to a week of appointments and purchase orders. With luck and diligence, I’ll have minimal tasks left on my list by next Monday.

I enter the foyer, heading for the door, when my gaze clashes with bright blue eyes. My heart lodges in my throat, and I come to a stop.


“Connor.” I’d ask what he’s doing here, but he already said he’s a member of this club.

He rushes toward me, closing the distance between us, and sweeps me away to a small alcove. “Are you okay? You never returned any of my texts. I’ve been worried.”

Guilt twists in my stomach. I didn’t want Dimitri to have any further reason to hurt Connor, so I blocked his number. Stupid, and rude, I know. It was only a matter of time before our paths crossed and I’d have to explain myself.

“I’m sorry. It’s complicated, but I’m fine.”