“Pull it,” she utters, setting my world on fire again since landing here. Then she lifts her finger and points it accusingly at me. “But mark my words, Hudson…if you’re a fighter that holds grudges all day, you’ll have blue balls for ten times that long.”
“I won’t,” I deadpan, watching in awe at how she’s slowly coming back to normal. That she is open to my moving here. But then there hasn’t been much about her agreeing to date me.
Let’s start one step at a time here, motherfucker. Chill.
“You’re really thinking about staying here?” she asks me again, needing that firm communication now.
“I’m not thinking about it,” I retort. “I’m moving here.”
“What if we break up?”
“We’re not breaking up.”
“But what if we do?”
“We’re not breaking up, Op,” I assure her, kneading her thigh in comfort. “We tried that and it didn’t work.”
“But what if?—”
“You done eating? Because I’m about to throw you onto this floor and fuck the shit out of you. We’re never gonna be done. I need you to fucking understand that good and hard. Just like how my cock is going to be deep inside you in the next two minutes if you don’t believe me.”
I nod. “Okay.”
“When are you coming back?”
“I’m hoping in the next two weeks. Keep your eyes open for a spot for me. I’ll get in touch with my real estate agent again.”
“We don’t have to stay in Eureka.”
“I like it. There’s nothing wrong with?—”
“There might be more business somewhere else.”
“There’s enough people here to bring over to the dark side, Opie.”
Liv presses her forehead to mine and breathes me in. Her body settling into mine as all her weight falls comfortably onto me. “Okie. I’ll just…try to relax.”
“I’m not going to have a hard time settling in, baby. I’m coming home to you. I’ll be fine.”
She bobs her head but doesn’t say any more. Probably not wanting to baby me as a grown-ass man but that’s Liv’s empathy coming through. She wishes to make me as comfortable as she can so that the transition won’t be so hard.
It won’t be.
What might, though, is getting Devin and Miles the fuck together with their stupid asses.
“What time do you leave?”
Liv’s arms wrap around my neck as she settles her face into the crook of my neck. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“I don’t wanna leave either, baby, but I’ll be back.”