My heart raced as we approached the entrance, but I took some comfort from the dagger inside my boot, my only form of defense.
“Behave yourself,” Victus said as we passed down the line of soldiers.
“What’s he talking about?” Abacus snickered. “We’re always on our best behavior.”
Markane chuckled, then smacked my back hard. I stumbled forward. I gave him a taste of his own medicine and punched his arm. He scowled and left me alone.
The demon soldiers wore no armor, but the humans had on a metal chest plate with the same symbol on the gate. Swords were sheathed on their backs, and they stood in a resting stance.
Two soldiers opened a grand wooden door and we entered a courtyard. We strolled past a lush garden with beds of dark-scarlet and ruby-hued roses, which surrounded a tranquil pond. A light breeze rustled the petals as we crossed over a small bridge that led to a second set of double doors.
Demon soldiers lined the walls when we entered. Our footsteps thudded in the quiet. My heart pounded even faster.
At the far back of the massive room, Asmodeus sat on the throne dressed in a golden silk tunic and breeches. A gilded crown with spikes like thick thorns bedecked his head, glimmering in the sunlight that cascaded through the domed glass ceiling. His strong and powerful frame radiated calmness, and his smug grin exuded confidence.
At first, I thought Levia was Dawn perched on the second throne. They shared some features: heart-shaped faces, pouty lips, amber eyes, and fiery hair. They could pass for sisters, but Levia was more voluptuous.
Levia sat taller, on what was once the human queen’s throne, and brushed dust off her tight leather battle suit. She stroked the thick braid that hung over one side of her shoulder, her gaze pinned on the vampires approaching.
We walked over the same trinity symbol carved into the stone floor, and the feathers along my spine shuddered. Three sets of skeletal angel wings fanned out like a morbid painting behind the throne. Piles of skulls littered either side of the raised dais, sitting atop one another like gruesome trophies. Sick bastard.
When we reached the bottom step of the raised dais, Asmodeus stood and extended his arms outward. Precious gemstones, diamond, emerald, and sapphire rings on his fingers glistened as his tall body descended the seven steps.
“Welcome, King Victus, Lord Markane. Lord Abacus.” He offered a curt nod, then adjusted his crown slightly back on his head. “And you’ve brought me a gift. So kind of you.”
Asmodeus glared at me, full of hatred and the promise of death.
Levia leaped over the stairs and landed with a feline grace next to Victus. She stroked his arm and purred, “Always nice to see your handsome face.” Then she gave a once-over to Markane and Abacus, then finally to me. “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re a cat with nine lives.”
I gave her a steely gaze, absent of the friendly tone she had offered me. “Don’t compare me to a cat.” If Zander were here, he would have hated being compared to an animal.
“What of Tank and Otis?” she cooed.
I didn’t answer. I wanted her guessing. The less I spoke to her the better, for everyone.
“Where’s Zander? I demand to see him.”
Asmodeus’s eyes turned wholly black. He pointed a finger with a diamond ring toward my wrists, but his tone stayed level. “Why are all Seraphim so arrogant and demanding? I would think those cuffs would humble them. In due time you’ll join Zander, but first I must ask what King Victus wants in exchange. He didn’t travel all the way here with his court just to escort you. Aren’t I right?”
“You know who I want,” Victus’s velvety voice sounded rough, as if to say don’t waste my time.
Asmodeus ascended back to his seat and gripped a spear in an upright position mounted inside a case on either side of his throne. “You can have any species you want in my castle, so why Levia?”
While Victus stood like a stone statue, she stroked his chest.
“Excellent choice.” Levia batted her eyelashes as she licked her lips. “How can I pleasure you?” She sauntered around him, her hips swaying. “I’ve been wanting to take you to bed. Smart man to finally take my offer.”
Markane watched her like a drunken horny man and Abacus rolled his eyes.
Levia laid her hand on Victus’s chest and moved it downward. “I’m certain you’ll be better than Zander.” She stole a quick glance at me from the corner of her eye, smirking, trying to taunt me. And it worked. “But you didn’t have to ask Asmodeus for permission.”
Jealousy slammed into me with the force of a ton of bricks. She better not have touched Zander. I pushed away the thought of him chained to her bedpost or the prison wall and Levia on top having her way with him.
Victus clutched her wrist before her hand landed on his crotch, and his deadly gaze met hers. “I assure you, it’s not for your pleasure, but mine. A life for a life. You killed Nadira’s mother, so I must take yours.”
He could have easily snapped her neck. I wished he had. But he showed great forbearance. His self-control was remarkable.
“Pendejo,” Levia hissed, yanking her hand back and showing her sharp canines. She kicked a skull in her way and scrambled up the stairs to her seat.