If there was such a thing for us.

“Time for your judgment, angel bitch.” The baldheaded demon smirked. “I’m going to enjoy chopping your wings off.”

The walls spun, and the soldiers doubled to ten.

I drifted on a breeze, my soul a whisper in a meadow full of vibrant flowers. A peaceful place I created in my head.

Hands tightened around me and the hematite crystal restraints clattered on the ground.

The king would execute me in a public display. There would be no trial.

Angels had no rights in the human world.

Chapter Two



Glaring sunlight warmed my face. Squinting, I rolled my shoulders back to tuck my wings out of sight.

The sun was directly overhead.


At least I knew that much.

The effects of the sleeping potion began to wear off, restoring motion to my stiff limbs. Though the voices sounded muffled and my vision was still unfocused, I stood taller.

Hundreds of humans and demons in their human forms filled a massive open stadium, staring at me on the raised wooden platform for execution.

“You know where you are, angel bitch?” The baldheaded demon patted my cheek harder than necessary. “You’re inside the stadium in the kingdom of Drevon.”

I snarled and tugged at the shackles looped around a thick wooden pole.

He let out a mocking chuckle and went behind me to stand with the other demon soldiers in human form.

The Watcher beside me slumped forward. Bruises spread over his forehead and cheek, and blood dripped from his wings.

His somber eyes met mine, and then he lowered his head. My heart shattered.

“Blood! Blood! Blood!” The crowd filled the stadium with their thunderous voices.

Asmodeus, the demon king, rose from his throne on a raised dais in the stands. I had yet to see him in his true hideous form, but in his human body, he appeared as a tall, handsome man with golden hair and eyes dark as the Netherworld he had come from.

His golden crown, narrowed at the top to a sharp, thorny point, once belonged to the human king he had killed. Since Asmodeus would reign for eternity, humanity was doomed. Unless the Order of Angels found a way to give the humans back their world.

The king raised a hand, and his elegant robe billowed in a gust of wind. The crowd’s chanting stopped and the stadium fell quiet.

Human mothers covered their young ones’ faces and held them tightly. Demon soldiers had likely dragged them out of their homes at the point of a spear.

“Citizens, calm yourselves!” Asmodeus commanded through a horn speaker. “Before blood is shed, you must determine whether the prisoners are innocent or guilty.”

Those words were spoken for the audience, to pretend he was a righteous king. No prisoner was deemed innocent on their execution day.

Levia, one of the king’s captains sitting beside Asmodeus, crossed her legs and pressed her lips into her horn speaker. “Why bother, my king? Give your people what they want. Are we not here to be entertained?”

Asmodeus’s lips tightened, his dagger-sharp stare on her. He parted his mouth to speak, but someone beat him to it.