I leave two of them alive but only for a moment.

At first, I humor the idea that they might tell stories about this, bringing terror to their people.

Then I decide to follow.



My heart thuds heavily, painfully, in my chest as the rain that dampens my cheek slows to a crawl. My hands are in the mud.

I am surrounded by four elves, who all stand over me. Their scowls are almost incapacitating.

“You thought you were pulling a fast one on me, didn’t you, bitch?”

Januzari’s voice is unrecognizable to me. His voice is venomous, every word he speaks caustic and hateful.

This is not the man I befriended. I’ve been played.

“I knew all along,” he says. “You’re not subtle.”

The other dark elves cackle.

They don’t know me like he does. All they can do is have a laugh.

I am speechless. I want to find the perfect words to escape this situation, but maybe I’m not the manipulator I thought I was.

“You wanted me to pity you, the poor little orphan girl," Januzari says, speaking loudly and insistently enough that I can't defend myself. "But I’ve been alive long enough to know not to trust your kind. You’re all grasping, reaching for something you can’t have, and you’ll kill yourselves to get it.”

I'm surprised when he gives me a chance to speak.

“Won’t Elijayur be upset that you’ve taken his prized concubine?” I ask. “He’s purchased me and everything. What you’re doing is theft.”

It almost sickens me to think of myself as a mere commodity, but I need to keep them talking until I can think of a plan.

“I don’t give a fuck,” Januzari says.

He laughs. “If there’s one thing doing time taught me, it’s how to make myself scarce. We won’t even be on his radar.”

“Awfully confident in yourself, aren’t you?” I hiss.

And I realize I've misspoken.

Januzari’s lip curls. His eyes grow large, and he bares his fangs at me.

With all his effort, he brings his foot forward into my ribs. I feel the air drop out of me.

“Know your place, whore!”

Tears stream down my face. The pain is immense.

Wanting to show their contempt, the other dark elves spit onto the damp ground beside me.

I gulp, not daring to say anything. My bloody hands clutch at the rocks and mud.

I haven’t given up yet. I just need time to think. But I know that they’re not going to give me time.

I look up at the sky, now a partial gray, before realizing that my legs are being tugged.