Zephiro nods. “If you need more time to think about it, take it. I just thought I’d bring it up.”

He looks disappointed, and I realize that through semantics, I’ve stifled my initial reaction. He stares at the wall of the hut, clearly lost in thought.


He turns back to me.

“I’d love to have your children.”

A smile crosses his face, and I can tell he’s trying to suppress his giddiness at the thought. “That makes me very happy,” he says.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t make that clear enough. The idea was just a little new to me.”

Fighting the obvious pain, Zephiro immediately leans into me, kissing me with passion.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders. How could I be so lucky?

I had thought for certain that my love for Zephiro was an abomination… That I was entering into some forbidden contract, loving a monster.

But the makers of this world saw fit to enable our love. They made us biologically compatible, allowing us to experience love and life together.

I only hope that when we do have children, they never know the pain I experienced. I hope they never have to acquiesce to the whims of cruel elves who see them as lesser.

“There is one more piece of news I have, though,” Zephiro says as we separate.

I wait for him to speak. “Please don’t keep me in suspense. I’ve been through a lot, and I really just need a nap.”

“Remember when I was asking you if they told you and clued you into the magic that surrounds this place?”

“That was a very weird thing that happened two minutes ago, yes,” I reply.

He bites his lower jaw. “I may have been fibbing a bit.”

Outside, I think I notice Zkovia shuffling around and realize that perhaps he never really left. Has he just been waiting, listening in?

“When we were trying to save you from the elves, I worried it might have been a lost cause. I worried I’d lose you forever.”

My blissful smile fades at the thought of the events that just transpired. “Is there a reason you’re bringing this up now?” I ask. “I just want to –”

“There is,” Zephiro replies. “Because the thing that helped us find you was the scent of another Zvori, leading us directly to you.”

I can’t hide my confusion. “What do you mean, another Zvori? Like you had a scout with me or something?”

Zephiro smiles. “Sierra,” he says. “The reason we were able to track you was that you’re carrying my cub.”

My jaw drops unconsciously. “Wait, so all that preamble, all those questions…”

“The birth of a Zvori needs to be blessed by the tribe and by the mother,” Zephiro says. “If you had said you didn’t want to carry a baby, you didn’t have to. But –”

“I’m going to be a mother?” I can feel tears welling up in my eyes at the sudden revelation.

“Yes, Sierra. And by carrying my child, we are bound forever on this mortal plane.” He grins widely, this time not trying to contain his happiness. “You’re my mate.”

As the sun rises, we embrace, my mind spinning with joy.

Zephiro is all I have, and now we’re going to be one, united forever. And we’ll be adding one more to our family!

I’m just waiting to wake up in Club Riel because all of this still feels like a dream. Can my life really be this good?